
Published on:

19th Jan 2024

Martyrs (2008) - Cult Movie Section Part 3

Part 3 of our Cult Movie Section is Martyrs (2008). A French horror film that makes us both squirm, but it holds a top spot on the list of memorable movies featuring cults.

NEXT TIME: Uncle Peckerhead

Watch the Martyrs Trailer Here

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Martyrs - Cult Movie Section Part 3


[00:00:22] Scott Moran: Does this hold up? And just what the hell is a good movie anyway? I'm Frank Roll. I'm Scott Moran. And we're The Last Video


[00:00:38] Frank Roll: You know. I don't know what it is about people from the country wanting to see aliens fight.


[00:00:56] Frank Roll: because I grew up watching Frasier with my grandpa.


[00:01:02] Scott Moran: salad and scrambled eggs. Got a lot of nice


[00:01:15] Scott Moran: Daphne. Yes. Yeah. I didn't watch too much stuff this week. I watched Righteous Gemstones a lot.


[00:01:39] Scott Moran: Yeah, but other than that, still watching Righteous Gemstones. And


[00:01:47] Scott Moran: done three, man. I think we're in three. One day. I feel like we are. I'm very far behind. On everything. Everything. Like life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. You gotta get those diapers off.


[00:02:10] Frank Roll: Fuck no.


[00:02:15] Frank Roll: fun.


[00:02:35] Frank Roll: Oh god, what was it? It was one like that, but um, hold on, now you're gonna make me try and think about it. Long story, I didn't finish any movies that I started. Like


[00:02:46] Frank Roll: much. I was just like, I'm not in the mood for this. And so then I watched, found out Max has, uh, like season three through like the most current season of BattleBots.


[00:03:01] Scott Moran: is that sustainable? Oh, you're just watching one here and there? Nah, man, it's just going. Oh, you're just like watching a big block of BattleBots?


[00:03:15] Frank Roll: It's on their season three. I


[00:03:21] Frank Roll: See you said you'd been watching Righteous Gemstones And I thought you were gonna be like misbehaving


[00:03:33] Scott Moran: Yeah. Well in judy, I watched all of that man's liquor commercials I sent you one, didn't I? Did I not send you anything back on? No, I don't think you commented on it. I think I was


[00:03:43] Scott Moran: and I was like, okay, sure. I was like, he watched it. Well, yeah, because I've seen those. They're fucking so good. They're so good.


[00:04:06] Frank Roll: deep. Well, you know, he's random as fuck. We've been there. We've touched on it.


[00:04:19] Frank Roll: think it happened during the filming of


[00:04:25] Frank Roll: went wrong.


[00:04:30] Scott Moran: unpredictable. American Ultra was an emotional experience for Walton Goggins.


[00:04:48] Frank Roll: There's new stuff out there. Just, nope. Can't can't make a decision. Too many fucking choices out there. So many choices, you get confused, you


[00:05:15] Scott Moran: I would like to just have one job, please. I think time to catch up one job in a podcast is perfect time to


[00:05:27] Scott Moran: land. Was that the thing you watched? No,


[00:05:33] Scott Moran: like Funny Farm.


[00:05:41] Scott Moran: watch that. Is it The Great Outdoors? No, but


[00:05:50] Frank Roll: So now max is giving me a bunch of stuff like that. Like recommendations along those lines. All the naked gun movies keep popping up and I'm like, Oh, should I? No, man. It's like, I wish I could really remember that other one that I was watching. It's. You know, Max has TV, so there's this show called Street Outlaws, which is about


[00:06:06] Scott Moran: So when you said that you didn't watch anything this week, what you actually did was watch a bunch of the Learning Channel and shit.


[00:06:19] Scott Moran: What was that show where you watched Surgery? You remember that?


[00:06:32] Frank Roll: It wasn't that plastic surgeon


[00:06:40] Frank Roll: one where there was a plastic surgeon guy who like just did like, like butts and boobs.


[00:06:44] Scott Moran: all the time. Maybe, I don't know. I'm not into watching surgery. So, uh, I never watched it. I just remember people being like, yeah, watch this show. And it was like, Oh, You Watch Surgery. That's,


[00:07:01] Scott Moran: Yeah, it was, for sure.


[00:07:08] Frank Roll: Hogan's. Because it was after the


[00:07:16] Frank Roll: The chick, oh my god, we were so bad. There was a chick who did The Duster, her name was Allison.


[00:07:35] Scott Moran: watched, I've watched so much Intervention and I feel terrible about it because it's a horrifying thing.


[00:07:49] Frank Roll: And I mean, that was some intense


[00:08:08] Scott Moran: I know and they're not exploiting it. Almost all the time they run away.


[00:08:18] Scott Moran: We're going to get this guy help, but we're going to watch him huff, duster and paint for like half


[00:08:23] Frank Roll: Yeah. We're going to follow him for like a week, like a documentary


[00:08:32] Frank Roll: then we can fuck with him with an intervention


[00:08:40] Scott Moran: They really don't.



[00:08:48] Scott Moran: jam, and 08 I was a video store clerk. So that's how I saw this movie for the first time. This was one of


[00:09:02] Frank Roll: We had martyrs.


[00:09:16] Frank Roll: Well, no, but this was right after the time. Anytime I would come over to your house for a while, like early 2000s, like we hadn't seen each other for a while, but you're like, I've got this Japanese horror movie that's going to fuck, fuck you up.


[00:09:32] Scott Moran: Yeah. Because I had the time. To watch all that shit back then. Like, I couldn't watch it at work. So, like, I would bring the weirdest shit home. Because anything I could watch at work, I just watched it at work.


[00:09:48] Frank Roll: up. So did y'all not put, uh Like risque shit up on the on even though like you probably had like a more like we


[00:09:58] Frank Roll: would you ever play that at the store? No, of



[00:10:04] Scott Moran: Yeah Like that was pretty much the rule was after 10 You could watch whatever you wanted because the people coming in from 10 to 12 were like coming from the bar and shit


[00:10:22] Frank Roll: Then the guys from Game Crazy came over and scratched the shit out of that and Spice World with a key so I could never play it again. But um, risque shit, I'd stay


[00:10:37] Frank Roll: see those like 80s, early 90s movie ratings?


[00:11:01] Scott Moran: Yeah, I didn't work at the kind of video store where I gave a shit about anything like that. Like, if a pair of boobs popped up, it was fine. The thing I was the most worried about was that I was going to get into a movie, and somebody was going to be like, Can I rent that movie? And we only had one.


[00:11:19] Scott Moran: be like, Ah!


[00:11:38] Scott Moran: Motherfucker coming back late. But this was one of those movies I brought home and was like, Oh, fucking what the fuck? Yeah.


[00:11:49] Scott Moran: So did you like it? I did. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's, it's hard to say that you love this movie.


[00:12:04] Frank Roll: I just said it, but I'm not going to say it. I understand the message they were trying to convey. Um, that shit was,


[00:12:17] Frank Roll: dark. I, you know, I'm always going to have a, I just with stuff like this. It was to me, it's like within reach of greatness and I'm not saying it's not, it's good.


[00:12:31] Scott Moran: Damn. And it moved, moved


[00:12:36] Scott Moran: stages. The pace of this movie was crazy. On point for how much it slows down at the end


[00:12:49] Frank Roll: I still feel bad for About everything. Yeah. Like, I don't feel good about any of it, but I'm like, Oh, you know? Yeah.


[00:13:16] Scott Moran: Fifteen years since I've seen this movie. So you hadn't seen it since the video started? No, I only watched it the one time. Okay. Because I was old enough when I saw this to know that's like a Requiem for a Dream kind of movie. You don't watch it for fun. It's not a feel


[00:13:36] Frank Roll: I noticed like most things said whore. I think something said whore or something else. And I was like, nah, like everybody else says whore. I agree. It's fine. And


[00:13:50] Scott Moran: Like very


[00:13:56] Scott Moran: Hostile was significantly more fun than this. Yeah. But the flip side of that was the not fun was replaced with actual horror


[00:14:07] Scott Moran: what I think it is?


[00:14:24] Scott Moran: I'm actually kind of surprised I didn't remember as much of this movie. But maybe I blacked it out. Traumatic experience. Fifteen years later, Lucy bursts into the home of a family having breakfast and brutally murders all of them with a shotgun. That part of the movie almost comes out of nowhere. Like it lulled you into a sense of like, Where What?


[00:14:47] Frank Roll: something bad was about to happen? Oh, she's out the door with a shotty. And she's got a small frame so it's like this petite little thing holding this fucking long barrel shotgun. You know what's coming. She's not coming there to dick around. The look on his face said it all.


[00:15:17] Frank Roll: Hints.


[00:15:30] Scott Moran: you know what I mean? Two kids from an orphanage, one has a mother apparently. Yeah, so


[00:15:37] Frank Roll: So she was out of that for a while is what I would


[00:15:51] Frank Roll: guess was she actually she got adopted Lucy probably didn't but because of the bond between Lucy and Anna they kept in touch


[00:16:06] Scott Moran: But what Anna finds under the house proves that her friend was right the whole fucking time, and Anna has walked into the hands of an organization. An organization that isn't just torturing captive women, they're trying to make a martyr and discover what's beyond.


[00:16:21] Scott Moran: but what's past that?


[00:16:27] Frank Roll: 2. I think I blocked that one from my head. He looks kind of like a fucking pilgrim. Like a Quaker. Oats. Martyrs is a co production of France and Canada and filming took place in Montreal. It was written and directed by Pascal Léger.


[00:16:42] Scott Moran: butcher the fuck out of these French. I don't envy you at this moment. That's why I didn't put the whole cast there. I just


[00:16:48] Scott Moran: because I'm sorry. Fuck this. There's no way he's going to be able to do it. I


[00:16:58] Frank Roll: Mylene. Jean Paul as Lucy, Morjana Aloui as Anna, and Catherine Bajin as Mademoiselle. And again, I am


[00:17:13] Frank Roll: I'm mixing it. Or if anybody else wants to check who knows French, I know that's in those high school classes. Somebody's fucking got it in there somewhere, right?


[00:17:20] Scott Moran: Okay, normally we would have looked it up, but we did this at break night speeds this week.


[00:17:37] Frank Roll: Martyrs never got a theatrical release here. Bob Weinstein was so disgusted with the movie he chose not to release it, and back in 2008, that meant straight to video. Which


[00:17:58] Scott Moran: When you


[00:18:01] Scott Moran: though. There were days where I would be like, Fucking Transformers came out today. And he didn't get it. He got some Reese Witherspoon movie. I had never even heard of I didn't know it was in a theater like it wasn't legally blonde or anything It was some random fucking movie like one of the home Alabama No, it was something lower on the totem pole, but it came out the same day as transformers on DVD and I was like, have you fucked have you lost your fucking mind?


[00:18:39] Frank Roll: the first Transformers movie, right? The newer the first


[00:18:57] Scott Moran: Mm mm. Anyway, but Martyrs showed up in a pile. And I remember a guy at work being like, If you ever see this movie, it's fucking French, it's called Martyrs. And he was like, his eyes were fucking huge when he was telling me about


[00:19:13] Frank Roll: Like the dudes getting off with the dead head in the van. In the van? Yeah, with like a severed head or something.


[00:19:24] Frank Roll: I'll think about it one day anyway. Um, no, I mean, those foreign movies, like about that time, I feel we're really good because I feel like they had a bit more budget than those nineties early, early two thousands foreign horror movies, and I feel like people were willing to cross the line.


[00:19:53] Scott Moran: When she bursts in with that shotgun, that is burned in my brain. That came so out of the blue all of a sudden.


[00:20:12] Frank Roll: in the lead up You know, they've kind of focused on the article on the fridge and it turned out it was for a different reason But initially when I saw that I was like, oh my gosh This little girl's the next target of whoever is kidnapping and torturing


[00:20:28] Scott Moran: The second time I saw this, I was like, And I did have a little bit more fun that time. It


[00:20:41] Scott Moran: It was a lot of fucking blood all over that house. A lot of spatter. And she was getting it on herself and getting it everywhere. And it stayed


[00:20:55] Frank Roll: Dwelling inside before


[00:21:02] Frank Roll: poor Anna, right? Maybe there was a love interest thing there. Like she cared she tried to


[00:21:19] Scott Moran: But this movie was apparently in Rating hell in France. Oh like they didn't know what to do with it. Basically. It was gonna be considered like porn like like a triplex movie and The government got involved with lowering its rating Because people were going overboard. Like the Minister of Culture or whatever.


[00:21:48] Scott Moran: think. But this movie apparently was so grotesque to even their sensibilities, as far as film goes, that it was rated 18 And they pretty much considered that if your film was rated that, it was dead in the water.


[00:22:19] Frank Roll: movie.


[00:22:26] Scott Moran: Yeah, I don't think it was the same directors. I think they might have been producers.


[00:22:35] Scott Moran: Yeah, but it had a good trailer, with the guy dragging the thing. And the fucking, uh The second one? The Devendra Banhart song.


[00:22:52] Scott Moran: It was a pretty good Predator movie.




[00:23:04] Scott Moran: not right now. It's so dumb. I bought it. I kind of enjoyed


[00:23:09] Frank Roll: I wouldn't have


[00:23:23] Frank Roll: help her. Well, that one's more of a memory. I was working at PetSmart. I believe I was 18 or 19. I was a cashier and a stalker. I got off work at midnight or like 1am when I was a stalker.


[00:23:47] Frank Roll: I went home and watched it after working at PetSmart one night. I was fine with it then, but no. So what you're saying is you didn't. You didn't kind of see them lining them up as the torturers when it was just the family bickering in the kitchen?


[00:24:12] Frank Roll: Well, look mom fucking dangling the mouse that she found in the drain system when she was okay cars that ripped through Chains offend me


[00:24:25] Frank Roll: like what looks like a massive hole well and not just that but for like a house I don't care how big the house is that was like commercial plumbing like those were like what you've seen like riser rooms of like Strip centers


[00:24:39] Scott Moran: Okay. So yeah, I did think that like that's a lot of plumbing Well, even like,


[00:24:48] Scott Moran: But that makes sense if you have a weird facility underneath your house, even then I don't think that's like Necessary. Not at all. To keep one ass girl down


[00:25:00] Frank Roll: I mean, not impossible. I mean, maybe it had a pool too. Let's, I mean, with like an infinity pool, like a, you know, hot tub situation. Who knows? We didn't see the backyard. It was a nice house, though. It was a very nice house. Yeah, and it's like in the woods, secluded. Yeah, in


[00:25:20] Scott Moran: I mean, it would have to be, wouldn't it? Everybody plays hockey there and drinks painful syrup for breakfast from a mug the lips


[00:25:37] Scott Moran: The torture bogeyman girl That follows her around, though. I did not remember that. You didn't remember it? I didn't remember that from the first time I saw this movie. And I was like, oh fuck, this is like a real horror movie. Well, that's


[00:25:56] Frank Roll: And so I was like, beast or hallucination? Like, real or figment of the imagination? For


[00:26:04] Frank Roll: And I felt that, but I was like, wait, what if that's one of the twists? Is that You know, that thing was really there while she was being tortured, but then you're, you're seeing it. As the other option is like, no, this is just, she's a tortured soul.


[00:26:21] Scott Moran: mind. Yeah. I was pretty sure that she was not saying it, but it was still freaky as fuck. It


[00:26:38] Scott Moran: There's no way that that was, like, her following her around. Yeah, um Still naked. Still naked. Still got them lips. I never got the clothes back! Everybody in this fucking movie needs chapstick, that's for sure. Ugh, it was uncomfortable. Lucy's lips were making me very uncomfortable. Like, her lips were so chapped.


[00:27:00] Frank Roll: kid version and the adult


[00:27:15] Frank Roll: I got a bunch of that flavored shit at my house floating around.


[00:27:20] Scott Moran: Pepper flavored chapstick when I was a kid, and I ate that shit. You ate it? It wasn't good, but I tried anyway.


[00:27:39] Frank Roll: Anyway, but then the chapstick I feel like, you know now Jesus It's like a whole bay at your grocery store like top to bottom dude shelves the chapstick But I feel like back when we were kids, it was like a black and white label It was that it that was chapstick chapstick


[00:27:57] Frank Roll: was just like that one fucking kind


[00:28:01] Frank Roll: now shit I go over there.


[00:28:06] Scott Moran: like? Yeah, all the winter Olympians would talk it sexy Olympians with but I


[00:28:16] Scott Moran: Uh, you can get it in the, the, the, the nipple.


[00:28:20] Frank Roll: I pictured it. I've seen it. The little boob. Yeah. With like the red cap. And you're


[00:28:35] Frank Roll: That song is just, um, Whoa, what did I do here on IMDB, Kevin Costner? I know I like to talk about the postman, but we're talking about martyrs. Kevin Costner, stay off my screen. Don't


[00:28:56] Frank Roll: Not so yellow stone


[00:29:06] Frank Roll: eat it, they will come but see there's that part of


[00:29:16] Frank Roll: Sometimes you're just committed though and like, you know, maybe a little Maybe a little spicy about it. You know, like,


[00:29:26] Frank Roll: the way she just tosses that sandwich. Like what? That hoagie meant nothing to you. Yeah.


[00:29:32] Frank Roll: bites.


[00:29:34] Scott Moran: the right, threw it out the window. She didn't even like set it on a seat or something. Just set


[00:29:42] Scott Moran: I like that. I


[00:29:54] Frank Roll: It's a whole country of Zoidbergs. Remember I went to France? I was 15. It's too young to go to France. First time


[00:30:01] Frank Roll: armpit hair? No, we're from Austin. Saw that shit way back. No, but that, uh, what's that river? Fuckin stinks. Ha ha! It stinks so bad all around


[00:30:16] Frank Roll: cigarette.


[00:30:23] Scott Moran: hard as Lucy didn't bleed a whole lot. For like, these really terrible injuries she inflicts on herself.


[00:30:33] Scott Moran: how did she get her back like that? If you knew it was her, how was she doing that?


[00:30:40] Frank Roll: Okay, yeah, yeah. And also what ran through my mind for a hot second was like, is this like a fucking Red Sparrow situation? Or like a fucking, uh, point of no return? Like, where it's like you're training killers?


[00:30:58] Scott Moran: Yeah,


[00:31:15] Frank Roll: But I mean, even after the straight razor, she's running like a champ. You know what I mean? Like, you know how much


[00:31:22] Frank Roll: And I'm kinda tough. Like an inch long, deep cut just stings so bad. Some, you know what I mean? It's like, God damn it. Fuck this straight razor to the back.


[00:31:34] Scott Moran: a fucking from shoulder to wrist.


[00:31:53] Frank Roll: You get beaten, you survive. You're going to be tough. And so you've got these people with, like, this, uh, superhuman strength, you could say. It crossed my mind for a minute, like, they were training killers. Yeah. Straight killers in the basement.


[00:32:08] Frank Roll: and even though it was just a prop, I watched the way when she sat, it didn't move, man.


[00:32:17] Scott Moran: had, like, embedded it in her skin somehow. Or, like Tried to glue it to her just right well, I'm talking like under


[00:32:30] Frank Roll: Yeah, they they put her in some shit. That did not look comfortable Yeah,


[00:32:36] Frank Roll: Oh my god, and then you know once the it all made sense once we got the explanation It really did. It


[00:32:55] Scott Moran: And then I started to get uncomfortable. Because I remembered what comes after this. So


[00:33:14] Frank Roll: And they just stream and like these millionaires like pay for a subscription to check out like, Oh, where's the torture victim today. But there was a lot more to it. It


[00:33:31] Frank Roll: a, yet another sport for the wealthy.


[00:33:36] Scott Moran: group. And I think that it might be kinda loose calling this a cult movie. But I think that, like, Oh, there's some elements there. A real cult element to this, as far as like, uh, There's definitely something there. You don't know what Scientologists maybe really are up to.


[00:34:11] Frank Roll: Gotta start that internet one dude. Gotta get


[00:34:20] Frank Roll: Is it that guy? Is it like a white guy with dreads? I can't remember. Was that in a movie? Oh my God. Am I mixing? Are


[00:34:31] Frank Roll: Hahaha.


[00:34:41] Frank Roll: Hans Zimmer. So, yeah. So, this had a 7. 0 on IMDb.


[00:34:55] Scott Moran: the beatings really started to bother me. As they went on, like, I was like, ugh. Yeah. Like, I actually. Thought that it was more like torture, torture, but like. That the fact that all that happened was they've like force fed her and like he would come in and just fucking beat her and Give her the chance to leave and then kick her ass.


[00:35:31] Frank Roll: bed She had I think in the chair. It was those restraints that were a little tighter Like there was like an extra apparatus of some sort.


[00:35:46] Scott Moran: Yeah, I didn't think about it though. I thought it was going to fucking


[00:35:53] Scott Moran: like she was gonna crawl through it and she was gonna be like Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich


[00:36:33] Scott Moran: That would be


[00:36:44] Scott Moran: You were still holding on to that all the way into this? I'm always


[00:36:49] Frank Roll: I'm always looking for I can't turn it off, dude. It's It's an active thing up here. But once it turned out that they were just really trying to see like, what happens


[00:37:02] Frank Roll: yeah. Like the insight into what's after death.


[00:37:09] Scott Moran: Was because she was already like doing all this shit for this girl like


[00:37:15] Scott Moran: giver Yeah, she was a caretaker completely devoted to this person She knew was fucking insane,


[00:37:34] Scott Moran: publication.


[00:37:52] Frank Roll: wrong.


[00:37:57] Scott Moran: That's what I got from that. Like waiting in the parking lot for a


[00:38:02] Scott Moran: folks again. Throws her sandwich out the window. Poor


[00:38:08] Frank Roll: Tell me that fucking bread is rock solid. I don't


[00:38:13] Frank Roll: gnaw on that shit, dude. Hope you don't got a weak tooth.


[00:38:26] Frank Roll: And then Lucy had the,


[00:38:29] Scott Moran: Thing that they flipped the whole thing on and to Anna she was dying for her friend Well in


[00:38:57] Frank Roll: You know what I mean? Like she was able


[00:39:05] Frank Roll: it. She was a prime candidate for this


[00:39:20] Frank Roll: feel like hers like it was kind of like a sped up process because you know Well, you


[00:39:27] Scott Moran: You know, we don't want that to be the bulk of the movie This can only be the last third of the movie but and that's too much as it is but her


[00:39:38] Scott Moran: Yeah,


[00:39:47] Scott Moran: dome skull. No, she didn't really go through the same crying fits and like shaking and stuff like that.


[00:40:01] Frank Roll: she submitted much earlier, but she had that better understanding of what direction she


[00:40:13] Frank Roll: they're still alive here in this photo.


[00:40:20] Scott Moran: Kind of. Yeah.


[00:40:30] Frank Roll: Because that shit


[00:40:47] Frank Roll: found what she was looking for and it fucking scared her.


[00:40:56] Scott Moran: Torture liaison.


[00:41:03] Scott Moran: Senior director of Murdered, um,


[00:41:12] Scott Moran: to her.


[00:41:31] Scott Moran: Man, what an ending. God,


[00:41:36] Scott Moran: headshot. That would have been a better place for me to end. I, I agree. And I did not like that the credits, they show you like childhood video of them like being friends. Like at the orphanage, at the orphanage, I don't, I didn't like that.


[00:41:57] Frank Roll: That was the only one, not shooting a little girl running away in the back with a shotgun whose parents may have been evil, but where the kids evil too.


[00:42:06] Frank Roll: The family wipeout at the beginning, straight to the point.


[00:42:15] Scott Moran: imagine being in the theater when they premiered this? And that happened, like, like that whole scene so fast, less than five minutes. It's like three minutes of family murdering.


[00:42:25] Frank Roll: can and you know, you're just in that audience and you're like, Oh, yeah. They're


[00:42:41] Frank Roll: They were like, we thought this was gonna be like a Blair Witch.


[00:42:51] Frank Roll: Martyrs. Yeah, no. Well, and the way it starts out, I thought it might be like another found footage, the way it started off all documentary style. I was like, oh fuck, we're going to go on a trip here.


[00:43:32] Frank Roll: there's a 15 and an 11, but one of them looks


[00:43:38] Frank Roll: remake.


[00:43:43] Scott Moran: Yeah, on Amazon it said it was 2016. That's been happening a lot lately where I go between two streaming services that have the same movie.


[00:43:57] Scott Moran: It looks low budget. It does, but I


[00:44:01] Frank Roll: That's what really gets me about this. Oh, the star of the movie is a year younger


[00:44:12] Frank Roll: telling me I'm talking about


[00:44:18] Frank Roll: like that might've been a, was that Oh eight.


[00:44:26] Frank Roll: was after Hollywood. No, I think what happened was, this would pop up on a streaming service all the time and I'd look at it and I'd be like, ooh, Jessica Biel in It Looks Dark, but I'd be like, eh, I don't


[00:44:42] Scott Moran: The American one? No, the original.


[00:44:48] Scott Moran: Also, Incident in a Ghost Land, which popped up on Netflix constantly for me, for a while, and I started it one night. And I fell asleep maybe five minutes into it, not because it was boring, just because I think I'd already been just menu scrolling for hours and just


[00:45:08] Frank Roll: No, there is too much shit to pick from right now. So much I can't make a decision. See, I think where I'm going to go is I'm going to try and make it a point to get out and go see more movies at the theater. I want to be back to theater mode, even though movie theaters have gone to shit since COVID.


[00:45:27] Scott Moran: same. Alamo seems fine to me. I mean, it's okay. Doesn't


[00:45:33] Scott Moran: orders. You're such a weirdo. Who cares? It's a restaurant and a movie theater. When the guy's going by, he's gonna go


[00:45:43] Frank Roll: Like the only people left in Austin who still wear wallet chains were the fucking servers at Alamo. What? Every fucking movie. Every fucking movie. It was like, You're serving during the movie, why are you wearing like a 3 foot long wallet chain? Or a carabiner with 20 keys on it? You know where he is. I'm trying to focus.


[00:46:09] Scott Moran: I want it to be perfectly silent and nothing in front of the TV. Look, I told you. I don't want anything in view of the screen,


[00:46:30] Frank Roll: You get one of these every now and then that's pissing


[00:46:42] Frank Roll: You drive a jeep doesn't mean you can make your own parking spot in the mulch because the parking lot's crowded.


[00:46:50] Scott Moran: You always bring up some real life thing that you shouldn't even worry about. Like, it's fine. The guy parked. In the grass. Who fucking cares?


[00:47:03] Scott Moran: Guy's a boss. That's what it is.


[00:47:13] Frank Roll: Don't even know what they're called. I forget. Doesn't matter. A treep. The treep Cherokee. Yeah. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's like a Wrangler Ruba Chakur Ku Ki. So, next time we start our series on Jessica Tandy, we're gonna go early in the career, through the late 80s, early 90s, ending with Driving Miss


[00:47:36] Scott Moran: What the fuck are you talking about? We're not doing that. I cannot


[00:47:40] Scott Moran: Included. And then we're gonna watch every Angela Lansbury movie. Did she, was she in


[00:47:47] Scott Moran: She was in, uh That show. Well, Murder, She Wrote, obviously. Yeah. She's in Bedknobs and


[00:47:57] Frank Roll: The movies when she was like, like back in the day. Well, she was a, she was a fox. She looking good. I remember some of the, I can like picture some of those pictures, seeing some of those photos from when she was


[00:48:11] Frank Roll: So, yeah. Steel Magnolias, though.


[00:48:20] Scott Moran: Christ, man. What a


[00:48:25] Scott Moran: Eats that sugar free


[00:48:31] Scott Moran: Uh, she's lost both of her eyes, didn't she? Did you ever


[00:48:41] Frank Roll: Or was it Leno?


[00:48:48] Frank Roll: I've ever seen unless I'm just completely making this up. Look up like Daryl Hannah. Hi on TV I feel like it was something that happened when I was younger, but like I knew she wasn't like right What the fuck was Angela Lansbury and pop star?


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About the Podcast

The Last Video Store Clerks
With Frank and Scott
The Last Video Store Clerks try to figure out what a good movie even is in the age of streaming. Are there still Cult Classics with no shelf to put them on? Something is missing. Former video store clerks Frank Roll and Scott Moran aim to find it. Or at least, comedy and a silver lining. What is a good movie anyway?

About your host

Profile picture for Scott Moran

Scott Moran

Former video store clerk, current sci-fi horror writer. Our copywriter, podcast editor, audio engineer, and resident bad good movie expert.