
Published on:

19th Oct 2022

The Best Month of the Year Minisode

Our Smile (light spoilers) review, and Scott's spoiler free reviews of Hellraiser 2022, Halloween Ends, The Midnight Club, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022. Plus we rage against the theater talkers.

October is the best, isn't it?

Our Jacob's Ladder Episode was originally scheduled this week. Due to the loss of a dear friend, we've shifted things a bit.

We'll return with our full episode next week followed by Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight the week of Halloween!

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ds, Midnight Club, Hellraiser:

Scott: [00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the last video store Clerk's podcast with Frank and Scott. The days

Frank: of Blockbuster Hollywood and the independent video store

Scott: are over, but searching the shelves for that special overlooked movie will never end the one that really sticks with you forever. Let's drown ourselves in a sea streaming services and ask the question, What the fuck is that?

Does this hold up? And just, what the hell is a good movie? Anyway, I'm Frank Roll. I've Scott Moran and we are

Frank: the last video store clerks.

Like I'm eating with headphones on. Hey, here comes a little wave around the corner. Hey, hey Frank. What about me? Looks like I'm not fucking busy. . What makes you fucking think you can approach me at this point?

Scott: That's like people who ask you, uh, what are you reading while you're reading? Good point. Like get the fuck away from me.

r moment. Not while I'm like [:

Frank: wherever. What would even worse is if they said something like, Hey, remember those highlights books for when you were a kid?

Like, what the fuck does that have to do with it?

Scott: Well, that's usually how those conversations turn out, is somebody is like, Oh, did you read, uh, Twilight ? You're like, Did you thought that was a equivalent to a Stephen King book? I'm holding . Ah, yeah, yeah. But this, uh, this whole fucking month of Halloween stuff has been the.

I think lots of stories. Even if all of it isn't amazing, we're getting a lot of stuff that got held back, I think. But, uh, smile was definitely the, the pinnacle of everything. It was

Frank: so worth it. I didn't know I was gonna go see it the night of my an uh, wedding anniversary dinner. I didn't know that she would pick that movie as our anniversary movie, but yeah.

Cause that was gonna be our field trip. Yeah. That was our field trip movie. And then Olympia was like, No, I want to go see that. There's nothing else. Yeah. I

fixate on things like that. [:

Uh, the guy directly behind us was talking the whole movie. The whole movie. And, uh, there were whispers back in the mix. Like there was some whispers and stuff like that. I mostly could ignore him, but Kelly was really fixating on it. A friend of ours, uh, raised a order card on him, but they weren't

Frank: as active as they normally were.

Scott: Were. No, I think they're afraid to kick people out cuz of how people probably have been reacting given the circumstances of the pandemic. So just a little backstory,

Frank: if you're familiar with Alamo Draft House, they are on the ball. Well, they used to be when it came to kicking people out for bullshitting during the movie, you were on the phone, you were talking, they'd give you a fucking warning.

Next warning, you were out. Like you were done. I, I feel like you'd get the one warning if they had to come again. You're out. Sorry. You fucked up. Yeah. Now a little more

Scott: lenient. It was so close to the end of the movie by then. Cause it was one of those things where I was like, it's not that bad. And I tuned it out.

eater. I know everybody says [:

But those people in the back row are pieces of shit and their children. And that's where like tourists come and sit when they come here and they're like, Let's go to Alamo Draft house. Well, we got

Frank: used to movie house in Eatery, which has the big rec. and we got used to the theaters. We know where there were sections of two or four chairs, so we would be about midway but not even center.

We'd go left or right there cuz sometimes you'd get the two. There were just two seats. So you had two fucking seats. That's it. The closest people were in front of you and behind you. Yeah. Well that place is going downhill. So we're back to Alamo. And I thought at least we could have the backup from the staff.

No, mine was a. Like open mouth the whole time. A giggler and a talker, and not just talking at key points or fun PO points, but just basically the whole fucking time. See,

ater laughed and that's fine.[:


Frank: that kind of stuff is fine, but. I thought that they were like late teens, early twenties. They may have been 16, 17 is what was happening. And definitely a little on the ADHD side, the little squirrly one next to me. She was too much

Scott: man. It sounded like with you it was because they bought so much stuff.

They were like, I mean,

Frank: well, it sounded like they were really big fans of horror movies, which is cool. So I'm not trying to fuck with you, but like you guys have to understand the etiquette, whisper things here and there, you know. No

Scott: worries. I'm telling you man, don't sit in the back row. Well, I

Frank: had a very, uh, reactionary crowd, so if there was a jump.

Scott: Oh man. Oh man. And this one got me so many times. Yeah, it had many times. One, it had some moments. The car, even the one

Frank: from the preview,

Scott: the car one. Yeah. That one really got me.

Frank: I forgot what was happening for a second. I remembered right as it happened, but I

Scott: was still like, fuck. There was one I got, I think it was the first one, it was when she was sitting at the table on her computer.

Mm-hmm. , I got. Goosebumps and I got cold and that was like theater dressed, you know, Flannel shirt and everything.

am movie that had such a big [:

Scott: Kevin Bacon daughter too. Really good. Which one was Kevin Bacon's daughter, the main character. That's Kevin Bacon's daughter. That's Kevin Bacon and uh, Ki Wick's daughter. Yeah, she has that Caris


Scott: look. Yeah, she does. Okay, cool. She was, She was really good in it. No,

Frank: I could appreciate her. She did great for the role.

That girl in the first, The one that

Scott: the patient that gets brought in. Yeah. What starts it all? She was, she was creepy, man. I really like this one.

Frank: No, it was good. Really glad. Was gonna see it in the theater one way or another. So glad, you know, saw it soon.

Scott: Also thought that, uh, the end of the movie Monster Reveal, which, you know, me, I get, uh, I get tripped up by that sometimes.

Like, I'm like, Oh man, you took the lasting spook out of it by showing me, not this time, it was

t down to the base of what's [:

Scott: before.

I felt like it was, it follows in final destination mixed together in the best way you could possibly do it. Well, and

Frank: there's definitely the chain. What was that one with the countdown that came out recently? Was it called Countdown? Oh, I don't know. The phone app that you look up when you're gonna die.

Oh, I've never heard of this. Oh, it's on, it's on Hulu or something now. I paid for it on Amazon and then a month later it was free on something. Of course. I was like, fuck, That one was very similar, but uh, they did it so well. I love that. Cast a trains in it.

Scott: If you're a fan of the boys, you know, in the theater, I couldn't, I was like, why does that guy look so fucking familiar?

Yeah. And then at the end of like, when we were in the parking lot, I looked it up and I was like, Fuck yeah. Your

Frank: favorite bitch boy. A train from the boys. What is he? The, The fiance? Yeah.

Scott: Awkward man. Knock off so much more . I fucking hate that

Frank: guy. He was in a gossip girl. But , but a trained cuz I hate him so much in the boys, I.

Fuck you were like,

gonna grow up to look like a [:

Frank: Wait, he was in Jennifer's body, wasn't he? Yes,

Scott: he was the email kid. Golf kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Uh, he looks like an adult. The lines on his face and everything dignified. It's still a very small dude, but like, he looks like a grownup

Frank: man in Hollywood. They're all small, so he's fine.

Scott: Well, yeah, I know, but he's fine. At least taller than Holland. There's no fucking way.

Frank: And, and since we're talk, there's no fucking way.

Bradley Cooper is six two. I would love to meet Bradley Cooper one day so I can confirm that he's not six two. I don't know why that

Scott: one bothers me so much. You're just real hung up on the imdb. You know, IMDBs like Wikipedia. It's just what people put in there. Well,

Frank: and the night we talked about it though, I Googled it like we looked at other sites and Everybo everywhere has him like minimum six one,

Scott: I think.

You feel like you gotta find his tailor

Frank: or I'm just saying watch Midnight Meat Train. Tell me that man

Scott: is not five 10. Oh, standing across from him. Yeah, I could see that. I never

Frank: saw the gaga where

Scott: the heart is or what. Uh, no, that didn't appeal to me. I didn't like

many times. That's like the [:

I'm not watching it. No, I'm .

Scott: Yeah. Speaking of Midnight Meat Train. I watched Hell Razor last night. The new one? The new one, Yeah. Oh, dude, you gotta watch it. It's really good. It's really, really great. It's not the original, it's not the same story. Everything is a little bit different, but I really liked what they did with it and it looked really good.

The pace of the story's fantastic. So would you say it's a reimagining? It's a reimagining a hundred percent, but it's a very interesting reimagining. They did a really great job. I like that. Director Bruckner man. He's good. Did you ever see, uh, well, he did the signal. Not the one with the cowboy Curtis, but the one, everybody goes crazy from the TV signal.

Yeah. Okay. That's like three short stories all from people. The cowboy,

Frank: Curtis made me think a minute, but that's the one with the weird alien thing.

Scott: Yeah. Where Laura, This is the one was the signal

Frank: in the tv. The guy who in the Covery looks like Joshua Jackson, but it's not Joshua Jackson in the movie.

hat what they're doing is. . [:

Here. Lemme just look it up.

This is the intermission music southbound. Did you see southbound? No. It starts out with two guys driving and they're on like a highway and there's like a demonn following them. And then it's the same kind of thing. It's three or. Little short stories. One's like a girl rock band and they end up in a house.

House. Is that the cover that's

Frank: on the streaming service? There's three girls in a.

Scott: It might be, This is the cover of the movie. Oh,

Frank: okay. So I think, I think the cover on streaming services is like three girls in a car.

Scott: He also directed the ritual. The ritual, the one that was on Netflix? Yeah, the one based on the, uh, the book.

d job with this. Hell Razor, [:

Um, my stepbrothers said the same thing. Did you like smile more than the new Hell razor? Yes. I liked the new Hellrazor as far as, uh, something, I like being remade. People don't always agree with me when I like a remake. I know people were really resistant to the Evil Dead remake and I was like, I really liked it.

I was fine with that. I thought that felt like. They wanted to do with the first one and just really couldn't pull that level of crazy off. But when it rained blood, I was very

Frank: happy. Well, yeah, and nothing's ever gonna beat that eighties feel. Of the old ones, those are their own animal. Yeah. Don't expect that.


ally liked about it, was the [:

In a really good way. I don't know how much they drew from other hell razor plot points from other movies and stuff like that. I know some of it was taken from two and uh, there wasn't as much focus on, uh, the way the first movie unfolds. It's a really different story and I liked it a lot. That likes a lot.

Did you see Halloween yet? No.

Frank: I'm saving Halloween ends for this week. Have you read anything about it? We had guests over, so I tried to get them to watch it, but they did. You know, we're gonna talk over it and I said, Yeah, I wanna watch it. I don't want to buck around and try and deal with conversation in the middle of a movie.

I'm trying to

Scott: focus on without saying anything. Cause I don't wanna spoil it for you. I don't wanna spoil it for anyone else or anything. Weird end of a trilogy. There were things I really liked about it, if you've seen it. I liked the ending, but the focus of the movie felt like it should have been the second or third movie, or second or first movie.

y finish the first Sharknato [:

Scott: This one felt like it was taking the story more seriously than the other two were.

Frank: Well, that would be odd if they took it more seriously. And this one, after all the weird shit in the last two,

Scott: I thought the last two were so action packed. This was weird to be the end. Well, oh, and they

Frank: killed off that guy in the last one who was just in there. Um, what's his name from Weird Signs.

Scott: He's in another Halloween movie.

Frank: He was, Yeah. I was hoping that they wouldn't have killed him in that last one right

Scott: there at the end. I think that this last one, they really should have just focused on Jamie Lee Curtis, and kept her. The main character of it. Not even the granddaughter is the main character of this movie. So I'm gonna be fine

Frank: with whatever because it's still

Scott: people.

No, it's fine. Out of context of the three, I just thought it was a weird third movie for the trilogy. For it to be the end.

Frank: No, I'm gonna do it first half of the week if I can see where it goes. I'm excited about it. I

Scott: don't care. I enjoyed

n't believe they should have [:

They're gonna make, you can't stop them from making,

Scott: I get that too. What's scary about Michael Myers is that he's just a dude that they're like, Why is this dude just keep coming back like this? He's hard as nails. Well, this one was, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll talk about it on our own time , if you watch it.

But, um, I also watched, uh, Midnight Club. Mike Flanigans new miniseries, or, Oh yeah. Yeah. I guess it's going for a second season about the Christopher Pike Books. I just pointed to one . I have a slumber party on my shelf right above me, but it was based on, uh, the Midnight Club book. But then some of the stories the kids tell are full Christopher Pike books.

He weaved it together really well. I just wanna say thank you for toning back the fucking monologues, Flyn. Jesus Christ. Cause there's long strings of dialogue in this, but somebody talks here and there between it. It's not this longly manner. Fucking board me tears at times. With how long they would take those monologues.

ame with, uh, midnight mass. [:

Frank: I never even finished Blind Man. It wasn't as good

Scott: as Hillhouse. No. And Hillhouse has a lot of monologues. When I went back and re-watched it, I was like, Oh man, there's

Frank: a lot. It did, but when it got creepy, it fucking got creepy. Yeah.

When Black Man got creepy, it was like, Ooh, The flashlight eyes, you know, Throw back to Ghostbusters too, in a way for me. That scene in the hallway.

Scott: Yeah. Midnight mass was a different kind of story, but Midnight Club. Creeped me out quite a few times and it's not a really young adult thing. It's mature audiences.

So mature, some shit happens. Mm. But I really, really liked it. You sound bored. No,

Frank: no. I'm not bored. I was just trying to think of how to get us back in a smile, . Cause I feel like we haven't talked

Scott: enough about smile. Smile. Oh yeah. Let's, let's get right to it. That movie was,

Frank: it was

Scott: great. The isolating feeling,

Frank: the way that they would disappear once they'd.

Kind of infected

r, it, it felt like way more [:

Frank: Oh yeah.

Or how'd you like it when uh, her therapist comes over?

Scott: Yeah. And laity Jane from fucking Deadwood .

Frank: Well, and then while they're talking, her therapist calls her. I love that icky feeling like, Oh, I knew something was weird. And then you see it creep up. Did you smile at

Scott: anybody in the theater? No. I should have.

I did. I should have turned around and smiled at that fucking guy who was talking. I did it to a

Frank: couple people and he was like, Fucking stop it. And we've been kind of talking to like our seat neighbors that weren't like eating with their mouth open and talking the whole time. And Olympia told him he was about to do that to you guys, and they were like, Fuck that

I was like, Why the fuck did you tell him like I was about to get 'em? Um, no, I still wanna fuck with people, but I just feel not enough people are watching it. It, it did really good. It did pretty good for

Scott: horrors. It did the best actually for the first two weekends for a horror movie. Um, it knocked the shit outta everything else that was coming out.

Frank: So, [:

Scott: I think when a certain amount of weeks go by now, people just wait for it to drop on streaming early, because that's what it does now. They're

Frank: hoping. Did yours not have that announcement though, from

Scott: the director?

Did you see that? Oh, yeah. With her and the director sitting there? Yeah, I think they were probably at Fantastic Festival and they filmed that. Yeah. They were

Frank: like, This is brought to you in a theater the way it was meant to be seen.

Scott: Yeah, and I, I agree. That was a good experience. Yeah. A good theater experience.

Frank: Um, Hey, how about the fucking, the nephew's

Scott: birthday party? The nephew's birthday party was probably my

Frank: favorite party. That was so fucked. I was like, Oh fuck. It was one of those that came to me like right before it happened. I was like, Oh, fuck no. How are they gonna do this? No.

Scott: Awkward as fuck. It was sad too.

Yeah, cuz I mean,

Frank: you know, you take that, you know, if you were to expand on the storyline, that kid's fucked.

Scott: Oh, for sure. , He's fucked. I really like the end of the movie too. Solid ending. And if they make sequels to that, I'll watch '

Frank: em. Yeah, I mean, you can easily keep going.

of it follows, and I didn't [:

Well, even further back Fallen. Fallen too.

Frank: Yeah. Same kind of thing. You know, like it, it goes from entity to

Scott: entity. We could make a whole series on that. Yeah, that's another one of those jumping entities.

Frank: Yeah. Curses. You try and be in the woods by yourself and then there's a fucking cat out there,

Scott: time, or the

Frank: ex-boyfriend cop who won't fucking listen.

I saw that shit coming from mile away, but it's fine. Knew it was gonna happen and smile. . Yeah. I was like, He's not the fucking, and he's, and he knows all of her

Scott: places. That was the thing was all the trope plot points. Mm-hmm. , you always see this stuff in a horror movie, but that's kind of what I want. As long as you scare me in the midst of that night house fell apart at the end of it and it spooked me a couple times.

. And I think me looking so. [:


Frank: The jumps weren't the most obvious. You didn't know they were coming, but they got

Scott: you. None of 'em were cheap. Mm-hmm. , they weren't cheap jumps. Heres at

Frank: all. She fell apart so fast. You know, she had that little nice life. I'm just here to help people. Then you figure out why she's doing it. Yeah. And then that gets deeper and deeper.

Scott: That's really dark. Yeah. And the whole thing with the trauma and nobody believes you and it felt like psychosis. Mm-hmm. , you know, cuz they were just pleading with people to please believe me and she didn't believe that first girl. Oh and Cal. Cal Penn. I forgot about him. I forgot he

Frank: was in it. Fucking Cal Penn is her boss.

He's so genuine though. No, and he really did seem like a genuine He did it so good.


Scott: he cared. He good hospital administrator

Frank: guy. I wasn't waiting for him to make a weed joke or something. He played the part.

Scott: Well yeah, that other guy from Dead Beat is in something Kelly's been watching. I think it's like some doctor show, New Amsterdam or something like that.

Oh, okay. Uh, another [:

I think to try to keep it going and then it fell apart. But I did like it. And he's playing more serious characters now. When those comedy guys do serious parts, it makes you really feel it. Mm-hmm. like fucking Will Ferrell in Stranger than Fiction or who's

Frank: the other guy from Harold and Kumar? I forget. I never know his name, but he's done one.

John, how. John Chow. Yeah. . He's done more serious roles lately. There was one where his daughter went missing and he used social media to try and find her. That was the first

Scott: one. Yeah, we've talked about that cuz that, that, I think that qualifies as a found footage movie nowadays.

Frank: Yeah, and it was really good though.

I think he's the dad again. [:

Scott: good in the serious roles.

No, he was in cowboy bebo, not so, uh, appropriate for that part to me cuz he is a little old. But I did like the Cowboy Bebo series a lot more than I, Well I think

Frank: it's HBO that has like the collection. Harold and Kumar Collection. They made a Christmas one at one point. Yeah. You never saw it? I never saw the Christmas one.

What the fuck was

Scott: that? I think that one was in 3d. It was like a theater thing and I'm sure

Frank: it falls. It must have been at a weird time in my life. Cuz until I saw the collection on HBO Max or whatever, I, I had no idea there was a third one.

Scott: I remember there being a bunch of, uh, gags that were 3d and when I watched it, not in 3d mm-hmm.

And then I watched the Texas [:

And I know that it didn't get good reviews. I know that it didn't screen well, and they sold it to Netflix instead of releasing it in the theater. But it was the first thing I'd watched in a bit that had a budget and. Was great. It's also in like you, man. It was, it was great that in the Marilyn Monroe when people get mad because they're like, Oh, they shove this like political stuff in there, like, uh, you know, social issues.

And I was like, That's, that's just how the world is now, that like you can't go anywhere without talking about that stuff. So you're gonna make characters in 20 20, 20 21. Those are their concerns, so it's fine. And I don't think they overdid it, It wasn't heavy handed, but I think you'll enjoy it. But smile.

I think it's taking

Frank: the cake. Yeah. Smile's gonna be one of the best horror movies to come out. You know, there's that other one with the Nun and the Exorcist stuff coming up soon. I still don't

Scott: think that's gonna be a scary, was that That kind of stuff doesn't

Frank: get me. I'm gonna watch it, but it won't be.

Nothing's gonna beat Smile right now. Not

s came out in earnest in the [:

Frank: burn, totally worth it. And God, the promotion, just putting people into sporting events, football games, and baseball games.

I saw that shit on social media the next day. I didn't put it together. They were like, What's up with this creepy lady in the stands? And I'd been, We'd been talking about smile. Yeah. It didn't click. And then the day after, they're like, Oh, Paramount did this fucking genius.

Scott: If you see advanced screenings of a movie, you wanna see just buy the tickets, right?

Yeah. Just buy the tickets. Don't fucked up. We were like, Trying to decide if we were gonna do it. And then Fantastic Fest happened and that advanced screening was gone in seconds.

Frank: Yeah. So, uh, when, when Scott pulled it up, it was an empty fucking theater. It was completely fucking, we could have picked whatever seats we wanted.

Then, what was it, A week and a half later, we were,

Scott: uh, it wasn't even a week and a half later, it was like maybe five

Frank: days. Yeah. I mentioned it to my neighbor who wants to go see a movie, and I was like, Well, let's just all three go do this movie. Went back and they were gone like it wasn't even popping up for me as as an option.

The advanced screening, it was

Scott: just like no filled [:

Frank: Just do it. Get the tickets. Just jump on

Scott: it. Get the fucking tickets. Live

Frank: your fucking life. Yeah. Don't be a cheap ass when it comes to getting the advanced screening tickets.

Fucking get the tickets.

Scott: We were being cheap ass. We were just. Almost 40 years old, so we were real concerned about what we had to do with our . I don't know.

Frank: Yeah. That I'm pretty sure my frugal side was in there somewhere. It was the same price. Frugal. Yeah. Coming to a

Scott: store near you. That's what stops me from renting $20 movies on Amazon that I could go to in the theater.

which really, if you go to Alamo Dress House, It's gonna be way more than $20 in the end. Yeah. Watch out for the mouth breather. Yeah, but go see Fucking smile.

Frank: Thanks everyone for joining us. For the last Video Store Clerks podcast, be sure to leave a rating and subscribe. You can find us on Twitter @LastClerks Instagram @thelastvideostoreclerks.

And you can find Scott at

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About the Podcast

The Last Video Store Clerks
With Frank and Scott
The Last Video Store Clerks try to figure out what a good movie even is in the age of streaming. Are there still Cult Classics with no shelf to put them on? Something is missing. Former video store clerks Frank Roll and Scott Moran aim to find it. Or at least, comedy and a silver lining. What is a good movie anyway?

About your host

Profile picture for Scott Moran

Scott Moran

Former video store clerk, current sci-fi horror writer. Our copywriter, podcast editor, audio engineer, and resident bad good movie expert.