
Published on:

28th Jun 2023

65 (2023) - "Jalapeno Bowie"

65 is a movie where Adam Driver is from space and fights dinosaurs! Yeah, dude!

Watch the 65 trailer here

Next Time: Off Season (2019)

00:00 Action, From, Hot Shots, The Days, Davie Bowie's Cum

13:00 65 Movie Review

15:11 65 Summary and Trivia

17:12 65 Movie Discussion (Spoilers)

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65 (movie)


[00:00:09] Frank Roll III: Hollywood and the independent



[00:00:18] Scott Moran: Receive streaming services and ask the question, what the fuck is that? Does this hold up? And just, what the hell is a good movie? Anyway, I'm Frank Roll. I'm Scott Moran and we are the last video store


[00:00:31] Scott Moran: What is it? Are you gonna see that movie expand? Four bowls? What? The expand Four bowls. What the Expand four bowls.


[00:00:42] Frank Roll III: the new uh, action movie?


[00:00:50] Frank Roll III: It's gonna be like fast and furious,


[00:00:55] Frank Roll III: them are good. They're


[00:00:57] Frank Roll III: isn't even good.


[00:01:02] Scott Moran: I know with like not falling for it. Again, Frank, we're


[00:01:11] Scott Moran: space, it's too much. Even Michael Bay doesn't do that shit.


[00:01:21] Frank Roll III: I don't think I ever tried to watch any of the two or like. The second or


[00:01:33] Frank Roll III: between all of them. Sylvester Stallone, he's got a reality show on Hulu. I think it is him and his family.


[00:01:39] Scott Moran: enough. Stay them. That's the real problem. Oh, I mean, he was the transporter. He should crank. He should be the most prominent character Craig is so good. God, those movies were so good. Yeah, that is ridiculous. I can get down with expand four balls. I'm not gonna watch it. I didn't


[00:01:57] Frank Roll III: It's coming.


[00:02:12] Frank Roll III: Nine is on something right now, I think Paramount or Peacock? You know,


[00:02:23] Scott Moran: Like it'll make you feel like you're about to have an acid flashback. See,


[00:02:38] Scott Moran: And then Hobbs and Shaw too, didn't see any of those.


[00:02:48] Frank Roll III: you watch anything cool this week?


[00:02:53] Frank Roll III: from the one where


[00:02:57] Scott Moran: You can watch the first season for free. It's on MGM Plus. You've told me this before. I'm, I'm into it enough to where I'm gonna go for it. I will get MGM Plus to watch, to watch this show. The first season is free. 10 episodes. Awesome. God, its, it's very Stephen King. It feels like a Stephen King sci-fi channel show.


[00:03:31] Scott Moran: Oh man. Marko from Romeo and Juliet. Marko. Yeah. Michael, you know, he's in a wheelchair. He's in a wheelchair, he's in prison.


[00:03:41] Scott Moran: good. That's like the second time. It's so good too. Kiss when he gives it That hit of ecstasy.


[00:03:49] Frank Roll III: I don't think I really understood that show when I was watching it


[00:04:05] Scott Moran: No, I don't think I actually finished it. Yeah, that's an old man heartbreak.


[00:04:14] Scott Moran: I mean they did, the honesty was what they made you read when they thought you were too dumb to read The Iliad. You did 'em both though. That was the thing.


[00:04:23] Frank Roll III: Yeah, but I think it was just different school districts. Oh.


[00:04:36] Scott Moran: So from


[00:04:45] Scott Moran: time, I think there's only been one or two since I've only seen two.


[00:04:49] Scott Moran: behind already.


[00:05:11] Scott Moran: But I don't know. It's a weird dynamic. I'm not sure I'm totally into it. Okay.


[00:05:23] Scott Moran: For me, nothing really all that interesting. Other than that, I've been watching Rick and Morty, lots of Rick and Morty.


[00:05:40] Frank Roll III: I'm just scarred by finding out Renin


[00:05:46] Scott Moran: Did you see the adult party cartoon? It was so. Gay in the weirdest way. I mean, no offense, it was weird. Not in an SNL kind of way. No, in a, ugh, it's like abusive relationship kind of thing. I mean, re and simply were always in an abusive relationship. But the adult party cartoon made it crazy and the horse was like a therapist in it.


[00:06:14] Frank Roll III: The rubber nipples on the kneecaps.


[00:06:30] Frank Roll III: Okay. I was gonna say something else about somebody else and I'm like, nah, just let's get 'em all.


[00:06:44] Scott Moran: I mean? On those trips. Oh God, yeah. You, I, the same thing happens to me when I go like, stay with my wife's parents or something like that. I'm like laying in, I'm trapped in bed.


[00:06:55] Frank Roll III: this was a big house, but the living room was like down the hallway from the master bedroom. So it's like, you know, that volume is shooting right down that hallway. I felt weird. They were like,


[00:07:03] Scott Moran: But it's like, yeah, when you're the only one, it feels weird.


[00:07:09] Scott Moran: But, um, no, uh, your back starts to hurt cuz you've been laying in bed for like. Five hours. Well, everyone's asleep. I'm trying to lay


[00:07:18] Scott Moran: minutes.


[00:07:21] Frank Roll III: to prop up your phone so you don't have to hold it and then you're fucking head Yeah. Yeah.


[00:07:30] Frank Roll III: You accidentally like skip back more than like one


[00:07:33] Scott Moran: Yeah. So what did you watch like that? Well,


[00:07:41] Scott Moran: Oh yeah, I watched that when it came out. Emma, Robert. Yeah. Um,


[00:07:48] Scott Moran: love that. Yeah. I mean it, not that raunchy by then we'd lost all the raun, some of it somewhere in the nineties.


[00:07:56] Scott Moran: was like, it was like, like Jennifer Aniston does a strip tease. It's fine. Dude,


[00:08:01] Scott Moran: Oh, you, you got like random hotel shit in. I like that.


[00:08:17] Scott Moran: jokes, half of them.


[00:08:26] Frank Roll III: No man. So many things. I think that was in part D. No, that wasn't that one. Oh yeah. He's by the pool. It's a, it's


[00:08:37] Frank Roll III: Yeah. Uh, part do or duh do, do do. Uh, the chicken in the bow and arrow was like fucking rubber chicken arrow. Um, no, that was good. Had its moments almost finished. Bad words. With Jason Bateman. Did you ever see, did that ever pop up? No, I never watched


[00:09:00] Frank Roll III: care.


[00:09:03] Scott Moran: uh, it's weird focusing on him cuz he's the straight man. You know, that means you have to have a bunch of really like absurd funny people in your movie to make Jason Bateman really sing. Like his


[00:09:17] Scott Moran: Oh, okay. And you know, she does her


[00:09:18] Frank Roll III: Yeah. If she's in a movie and she's that typical part that she plays, which she does so well, not like the mom in the visit, you know, that's a little different than normal. And then I'm halfway through the days I found another movie about a nuclear disaster. What's the days? Uh, it's about Fukushima. It's eight episodes.


[00:09:55] Frank Roll III: I'm waiting till the end to fact check and see like how close that really is to the story that we know. Because there's things that I'm like, oh shit, you know? Cause I followed it pretty closely in the news cuz I'm like, oh


[00:10:11] Scott Moran: So no one would hold this against me. I just think it would make a, an interesting movie cuz I've read a lot about it is the se and gas bombings in Tokyo in the underground with the ump oceano cult, weirdest cult ever. I


[00:10:23] Scott Moran: maybe they were trying to cut the police department in half with a laser.


[00:10:30] Frank Roll III: And they used Segas like from the


[00:10:45] Scott Moran: And they kept the guy for a long time, like I think they recently executed him. Oh. Like the leader. But they tried to cut the police station half with a laser. Yeah, man. There were like super scientists in this cult.


[00:11:05] Frank Roll III: that one though about that dude who took DHT and then died. Enter the


[00:11:11] Frank Roll III: Fuck. Did dht, one of those nineties bands


[00:11:18] Frank Roll III: Google, d h T. But no, I mean, that's about it. But this one, you know, more serious. It's like, it's drama and it's like, damn. It's called the days. I think it's eight episodes pretty. I'm halfway through. I just, I haven't fact checked anything yet because, you know, Chernobyl back in the day,


[00:11:33] Scott Moran: I, the story is, you know, history's a lie too. I keep looking for movies I'll rent lately and so we'll get to it at the end. But I, I'm starting to feel like I need to justify streaming services. You know, I'm like, let's see how, how much you can entertain me this week. Mm-hmm. And if you don't make the cut, I'm gonna fuck.


[00:11:53] Frank Roll III: Netflix with there. Verify this is your home.


[00:12:06] Frank Roll III: my passwords. Oh. I've been logged out ever since it went to Max. I've read that there's a Mary Tyler Moore documentary on Max right now though.


[00:12:14] Scott Moran: This is a Bowie documentary. David Bowie. Really? Yeah. He was a weird guy. He did cocaine and it had jalapenos and thought the earth was hollow. Wow. I don't think, I don't know if that's in the documentary. I just know that, did that happen all at once? Yes, all at once. During the recording of an album, he was sending Jimmy Page presents cuz he thought he was a dark wizard and he was gonna curse him.


[00:12:33] Frank Roll III: had jalapenos do that to me.


[00:12:47] Frank Roll III: Wait, jalapeno Bowie.


[00:12:59] Frank Roll III: I feel like, uh, the Oh, what? The theater, whatever the, whatever the fuck the category


[00:13:06] Scott Moran: Yeah. Um,


[00:13:12] Scott Moran: something for free. Same. But. I'm glad we did this 1 65 (movie) was like the one movie that I was like, oh, I'll rent that. It was so long ago, so long ago. It was so long ago. I'm gonna perfect the, my impression of him.


[00:13:39] Scott Moran: you like this movie? I liked it. Yeah, I think the tone of voice that you had when you said that kind of is,


[00:13:53] Frank Roll III: You look at the reviews, you look at, you know, people's score. Of what they think about it and you're like, ah, damn.


[00:14:12] Scott Moran: It would've been like the highest budget episode of nineties Outer Limits you've ever seen.


[00:14:19] Scott Moran: you know that Three in the morning tv, the


[00:14:28] Scott Moran: it, it's, it's hard to say. I am not at all disappointed that I watched it.


[00:14:35] Frank Roll III: movie. I was down for it. It was cool. And I wanted to see it in theaters. It would've been cool at the theaters. It might've been better. Yeah. Just for


[00:14:45] Frank Roll III: That's one of the first things we said was like, ah, this would've been great in the theater.


[00:14:49] Scott Moran: in and out. But the things I heard about it were lukewarm. Lukewarm. Yeah. Room temperature. Room temperature. Room temperature, water.


[00:15:04] Frank Roll III: Koa Koa, Koa, I can't even, I can't do it. I knew I couldn't do it. It's just, you know, if you're gonna be able to do, uh, it'd take a lot of practice long


[00:15:22] Scott Moran: The ship loaded with cryo pods runs into a field of asteroid and crash lands on a nearby planet, leaving the ship damaged and beyond repair, and all the passengers dead and scattered across the swamp. With the exception of a young girl named Koa, his translator broken. He can't communicate with a girl, but he manages to convince her to follow him Over a mountain to the ship's remaining undamaged.


[00:16:05] Scott Moran: It doesn't actually say that. There's a geyser.


[00:16:15] Scott Moran: was a lot of explaining that could have been cut out of the movie. That would've made it really good. Yeah, like deep stuff because his relationship with the girl like really came through in the movie.


[00:16:26] Frank Roll III: is I feel like they made the decision to put that. Title card up, you know, to be like, in case you didn't get it, because we know that you're a substantial


[00:16:42] Scott Moran: Oh, you know, if they'd held out on it and it just looked like a good sci-fi winter plan. But in the trailer,


[00:16:54] Scott Moran: it was very effective at making me wanna see this movie.


[00:17:01] Scott Moran: theaters? Well, when we were talking about Jurassic Park Dominion. Was that the last one? The one we did the episode about


[00:17:08] Scott Moran: Yeah. When we were talking about that, we were like, there are no other movies with dinosaurs 65.


[00:17:31] Frank Roll III: it. They won't get it.


[00:17:39] Scott Moran: all fucking aliens.


[00:17:42] Scott Moran: fighting. They ate cat food. What more can you want?


[00:17:51] Frank Roll III: Contrary to most movies, this full of cgi, it was shot on location in Louisiana and Oregon on a VFX budget of 91 million. This cast is just four actors in the uncredited voice of the computer. Adam Driver - 65 (movie) is Mills Arianna Greenblatt is coa. Chloe Coleman is Naveen Mills' daughter. And Nia King is Alia Mills' wife.


[00:18:21] Scott Moran: It was very fast. It was quick. The turnaround on this was no faith. You told me about it and I was like, no


[00:18:26] Frank Roll III: Like already, because you know, they hang in there at the, what is it, the 24 and the 19 for a while, and then it's like weeks later you


[00:18:40] Frank Roll III: time. Yeah. That's why I wouldn't even think about it. Way. I was


[00:18:44] Scott Moran: I was like, yeah, just go down to six. Yeah, run it. It's $20 a long time. Well, this


[00:19:03] Frank Roll III: It's not like a 4.7.


[00:19:12] Frank Roll III: joking about with District nine. I feel like that's what people expected more or something else.


[00:19:25] Scott Moran: They're like, but I thought that this was gonna be this kind of movie. Yeah. You know, like, well, I thought it was just gonna be more dinosaurs 65. Not enough dinosaurs 65. I mean, it could have used more dinosaurs 65.


[00:19:38] Scott Moran: dinosaur dosage. It was pretty good. What the hell were they? They didn't have feathers.


[00:19:53] Frank Roll III: Yeah. I mean, some of them that looked like, uh, the monitor lizards, but more aggressive.


[00:20:05] Scott Moran: I think that was, I don't know. I think everything was just a little off, like


[00:20:12] Scott Moran: fine. I guess you've made a point there. If you started out with feathers and the movie studio was like, no.


[00:20:27] Frank Roll III: At least they don't have to use clay anymore.


[00:20:34] Scott Moran: Oh, the, to establish that he's from another planet saying goodbye to the family. Yeah. You could almost have let that be more confusing and I would've liked it more.


[00:20:47] Scott Moran: like that. I would've just picked it up from the flashes he had of his daughter.


[00:20:57] Frank Roll III: great. But later in the movie, did you notice like the rock formation in the background looked like a wave? Like they, I, I feel like they didn't show that in that opening sequence, but later on when he has the other flashback, it's like, oh,


[00:21:11] Scott Moran: Somehow, like I didn't feel like they were on earth in the first one. In the very first scene. Yeah. Like I was like, okay, that's another planet and people are on another planet. But them throwing


[00:21:22] Scott Moran: Yeah. This had a little, little. Sprinklings of Star Wars in it too.


[00:21:49] Scott Moran: We knew it was him the whole time. Yeah.


[00:22:12] Frank Roll III: God, you gotta take the dangerous route with the extended time away just to make three times your salary to afford healthcare.


[00:22:40] Scott Moran: Look, they have to


[00:22:46] Scott Moran: No, I want peanuts on the fucking airplane.


[00:22:56] Scott Moran: It was what I should have expected. It was what I expected based on what I'd heard about it from other people.


[00:23:12] Frank Roll III: Yeah. I mean, if you break it down, I mean, it does have this backstory that goes along with it, but the whole.


[00:23:22] Scott Moran: age. I saw every turn of the movie coming. Yes. But I actually, I was rather charmed by their relationship by the end of the movie. I liked Koa, Koa Koa. She wasn't like a wooden little kid actor, you know? Or she wasn't just there as like, She actually kind of got badass as


[00:23:41] Frank Roll III: Yeah, and that's, I thought I recognized her for more. She was in awake. Yeah, which was Which? I, did you see that one? Yeah. The Netflix. Yeah. I liked that. Yeah. But I thought that she had been in more than that. I


[00:23:58] Scott Moran: Yes, yes. Yep. She's the one walking around in the woods with Michael Rucker.


[00:24:15] Frank Roll III: That's what it said. Hmm. That was weird. I was like, it was in season two,


[00:24:19] Frank Roll III: remember it. Yeah. I was like, who? Oh yeah. Did you do season two? No. No, because you were like the book end. I was


[00:24:26] Frank Roll III: fuck with it? Oh my goodness. And she was an avatar too, but it's hard to tell when everybody's navi.


[00:24:40] Frank Roll III: Okay, so. How about the technology?


[00:24:51] Frank Roll III: Yeah, it's that material that cools when you sweat.


[00:24:57] Scott Moran: Outer limits. Boom. Dino d a, well, I'm going


[00:25:02] Scott Moran: earth. So he hit the asteroid. That kills the dinosaurs 65 on the way in, on the way in just the, it was, it was


[00:25:16] Frank Roll III: Uh, I think it's like the sun is up, but you can see the asteroid like in proximity to the sun it


[00:25:23] Frank Roll III: it. Yeah. I looked over and I was like, oh man, is this gonna tie in with the asteroid that takes out the


[00:25:31] Scott Moran: He's there like two days before the earth gets hit by the asteroid. That kills the dinosaurs 65. The


[00:25:44] Scott Moran: maybe. I think that every time that happens In anything, yeah.


[00:25:54] Frank Roll III: these, you know, the more recent movies, shit happens. You know what I mean? Yeah. Um, you know, they get hit by asteroids. They have to fig was it covenant? Covenant. They got hit by something, right?


[00:26:09] Scott Moran: hit with shit. Yeah. Then the Russian base happen in Armageddon. It gets hit with like, yeah, random, just some shit debris. It's like been up there for a couple years, but now it's getting hit with fucking


[00:26:20] Frank Roll III: Oh, gravity. Sandra Bullock, George Clooney also, somebody blew up a satellite, didn't tell anybody. That's the debris that that gets the ship. That starts the.


[00:26:29] Frank Roll III: catalyst. It's like these ships go so far, this


[00:26:38] Frank Roll III: Yeah. But again, still fine with it for the most part. Still.


[00:26:46] Frank Roll III: Dinosaur spaceships. I really


[00:26:55] Scott Moran: Yeah.


[00:27:00] Scott Moran: can be really elementary with the the plot if the character is pretty interesting. Enemy. Mine, you know, zombies. Yeah. Let's face it, this is a kid in a cop movie. Fucking Burt Reynolds.


[00:27:26] Scott Moran: Never. I think this was the first time I saw him doing it and I was like, oh yeah, he's a fucking Marine, black Klansman. Kind of. Kind of. But he doesn't like run with a rifle. No, I


[00:27:36] Scott Moran: tall man, right? He's a tall man. Yeah. Yeah. What was that? Uh, house of Gucci when he's standing next to, uh, How's a Gucci, the tiny Uh oh.


[00:27:54] Frank Roll III: small. Well, she is very short too, I believe. Yeah. So that's like tall and short. Yeah.


[00:28:03] Scott Moran: And you were like, but she's so small. And I was like, yeah. He's like, she comes into his fucking elbow.


[00:28:12] Scott Moran: can and really gauge, be like, can we stand back to back please? I like Bradley Cooper. He's a halfling.


[00:28:22] Frank Roll III: Love Bradley Cooper. I don't mean to talk shit.


[00:28:27] Frank Roll III: Koa coa. Okay. So the little sampler thing, you know, it's like, oh, it'll tell you if the food is good. It purifies water, I guess, too. It definitely purifies water, but it also tell you if food is edible or not.


[00:28:42] Scott Moran: be a cool thing. It's like, it's one of those things that you take to the beach, like the plastic thing. You know, with the, with the cord on it so you can hang it around your neck. Your ID stuff doesn't get sand and water on it. Oh, it would be cooler than that though.


[00:29:07] Scott Moran: other thing was even the computer was exposition. Like it was like, I have this little device and it's gonna speak aloud all the time and tell you what's happening.


[00:29:35] Scott Moran: His daughter was dead. Yeah. Cuz they don't get to that until later. I felt like that was why I didn't need the beginning of the movie was because they could have just explained it if it had started later, like if it had started when the asteroids like wake him up. Yeah, he, when he over patrol. Yeah. Then I figured out through his sadness and the flashbacks that his daughter had fucking died.


[00:30:14] Scott Moran: Or


[00:30:18] Scott Moran: on. I mean, we saw all of it. We didn't need it. Mm-hmm. You didn't even have to pay the wife. We just needed the daughter flashbacks and the little hologram thing of her. The parasite in the mouth thing really fucked me up, man. I was skipping around a


[00:30:32] Frank Roll III: No, no, that's, I was looking at, is that bug bite? No.


[00:30:42] Frank Roll III: The, the one and they have that nice exchange where he is like gonna put it on her. Yeah. He breaks the, breaks the eyes.


[00:30:51] Frank Roll III: But um, Mean the bug in the mouth, that's the shit that would happen to me. What was that thing? Like a perimeter alarm? The little, yes. Is that what That's what I was


[00:31:06] Scott Moran: Well, and it, I was not into that


[00:31:10] Scott Moran: you know, like you didn't have any time, like if it got across, you're dead already. Yeah.


[00:31:24] Scott Moran: In that tiny cave. Yeah. I mean, you're do, that's probably not gonna stop the T-Rex. Yeah. And then you're not gonna wake up in time to get away from the


[00:31:35] Scott Moran: a cavern, you know? But before that, to jump back, because I totally missed it, that little baby dinosaur.


[00:31:41] Frank Roll III: help and she like wants to help the dinosaur. Oh yeah. That's where I was going with the Don't talk in the woods when you're trying to be quiet. And I was like, oh, they're gonna make a


[00:31:48] Frank Roll III: Yeah. Or like the parents would come and be like, oh, you're


[00:31:53] Scott Moran: Mm-hmm. They're gonna make a dinosaur friend and it's gonna save 'em later on or something. Like, thats a piece of shit. This movie sucks. No. And then fucking harsh reality set out immediately. Yeah. And they were chomps.


[00:32:10] Frank Roll III: What too? When the family's yachting on the beach. Yeah. They were just bigger


[00:32:22] Frank Roll III: ended up going to cheat codes on


[00:32:28] Scott Moran: And everybody thought that was weird.


[00:32:32] Scott Moran: boss fight was easier. Yeah, cuz it


[00:32:37] Scott Moran: level where you go down the lake?


[00:32:41] Scott Moran: remember, but I do. Maybe it was like the Ninja Turtles water level.


[00:32:45] Frank Roll III: never pick up enough. What was it? Health. Is that what he would pick up? Yeah. Or the zapper. You had to pick up ammo for that too, right? The stun. Now you're


[00:33:01] Scott Moran: Start wriggling through tunnels, man, I don't like that shit. Nah, man. Spelunking, no spelunking for me. Spelunkers exit only.


[00:33:18] Scott Moran: it was a cool scene. It was still good, even though I knew it was coming.


[00:33:24] Scott Moran: this should have been big enough for them to run away. Like that was too small an area to set


[00:33:34] Scott Moran: the thing?


[00:33:41] Frank Roll III: centipedes. Yeah. And I mean he snaps it and then I couldn't tell if it like blew air at it or if it shocked it or if it blew it up.


[00:33:51] Scott Moran: Yeah. Did, yeah. And what was all that shit coming out of her mouth, man? Yeah, it was gross. Salivating.


[00:34:00] Scott Moran: od drool. It was like drooling pudding. Whoa. I'm


[00:34:08] Scott Moran: haven't seen quick quicksand in a movie in a hot minute. It's been a while.


[00:34:15] Frank Roll III: Gilligan's Island


[00:34:25] Frank Roll III: sit right back and you'll hear a tail.


[00:34:36] Scott Moran: movie, did you entertain the idea that it might be like the whole movie though before I saw it? Just because you're, you, uh, you know, I didn't understand like through the whole movie I was like, it could still be time travel.


[00:34:50] Frank Roll III: In time travel movies, when you change the past, there's consequences, right? Dude, when he takes out that whole pack of fucking dinosaurs 65 in the woods, I was like, Does that change history in any way? Even though at that point I kind of had the asteroid


[00:35:05] Frank Roll III: it's, anyway, but I mean, does that action change history in


[00:35:08] Scott Moran: That's a good point though. If you hadn't, it would've been like a Ray Bradbury situation where you go hunting the dinosaurs 65 and step on the butterfly.


[00:35:31] Scott Moran: oh, or all those dead bodies somehow?


[00:35:41] Frank Roll III: bodies From the cryop pods. Yeah. All the Cryop pods. Yeah. Okay. Cryop pod engineering in the future doesn't seem very solid, but realistic maybe.


[00:35:55] Frank Roll III: Yeah. I mean, cuz she almost got what hers like malfunctioned right before he rescued her. Isn't that what was happening?


[00:36:13] Scott Moran: He says, nine pods inoperable, and two unaccounted for, that's 11 pods. Fuck it. Put 11 pods on a ship. Why 11? 11 is a weird number to have. No, it's, it's not like a 10, 11 is a weird number to have Fast in the furious movies. 11 is a weird number of it. It needs pods on a spaceship. 10,


[00:36:36] Scott Moran: fucking, even if it was nine I, I would've accepted that because it was under 10.


[00:36:44] Frank Roll III: Who these passengers were, were they colonists? Who the fuck were they going? Were they scientists? Were they. Pioneers, um, who were they?


[00:36:55] Frank Roll III: doing. They were from the upper territories, Northern


[00:36:59] Scott Moran: So I guess they were somewhere else on the planet. He's from, it's like the Inuits or something. They spoke a language. No one knows, well, why are they out there in fucking space? Where are you taking them? And it didn't


[00:37:12] Scott Moran: And were there other planets in the solar system?


[00:37:25] Frank Roll III: dude, what's the web? What's the web looking at these days? Can you


[00:37:30] Frank Roll III: Maybe if you could,


[00:37:35] Scott Moran: you? A little bit. Yeah. Yeah, a little bit. Have you asked


[00:37:39] Scott Moran: something? No. I'm a writer. I don't want it to do that.



[00:37:46] Scott Moran: What if it's better than me?


[00:37:51] Scott Moran: you keep pumping out AI stories.


[00:38:04] Frank Roll III: you seen it when people ask it to like generate these commercials or like barbecues or like, oh, have other artists do songs from other artists like, Michael


[00:38:17] Scott Moran: Dude. Yeah,


[00:38:26] Scott Moran: No, thank you. Kind of cool though. Well, when are we gonna clone people? Come on. Balls up mankind. Asteroid could take us out any day now.


[00:38:39] Frank Roll III: and stuff. Extinction level events. Ellie. Not an


[00:38:52] Frank Roll III: it was upside down, I was like, well, here comes a big dinosaur.


[00:38:57] Scott Moran: have. You know, push it like that car and they managed to, you know, trap 'em in a small space and do the whole dinosaur eyeball in the window. Yeah. Little


[00:39:08] Scott Moran: I enjoyed that. It was good.


[00:39:22] Frank Roll III: sure. For sure. Like absolutely. Because I mean, you know, it's that or golf.


[00:39:35] Scott Moran: Yeah. And I knew that that was gonna happen. Kind of appreciated that it had one little through line, but also did he run all the way back to the beginning? Oh. Or was there just another geyser over there? Right. We were just setting up there around.


[00:39:54] Frank Roll III: So there was, they showed the asteroid from the beginning. When she sees it, you kind of put it together. Unless you needed the screen to tell you


[00:40:02] Frank Roll III: worry, there's the geyser thing, but also from the second that that little mapping device did the projection of his daughter, were you like, they're gonna use


[00:40:12] Scott Moran: That thank you.


[00:40:17] Scott Moran: then, they pretty much just showed you videos. Yeah. Like, and they were like, oh, by the way, star Wars holograms too.


[00:40:31] Frank Roll III: And


[00:40:35] Frank Roll III: So I just saw your notes for next time.


[00:40:46] Scott Moran: about it next time. We are gonna talk about it next time. Cuz what we're gonna start doing with the next block of movies is we're gonna justify Hulu's existence. Fucking Hulu. What is it for anymore? Is it for Becky?


[00:40:57] Scott Moran: Becky? No, we're not doing Becky. Becky was Showtime.


[00:41:19] Scott Moran: On the next full episode, there might be a mini in between. We've been doing more minis, it's saving us time, and I can still put something out every week, off season. Off season on Hulu. It is a horror movie. Upon receiving a mysterious letter that her mother's grave has been vandalized, Marie returns to the isolated offshore island where she is buried.


[00:41:44] Frank Roll III: Yes. And yes. And I see this popping things. It was one


[00:41:58] Scott Moran: How the fuck? I keep track of where the good shit is. So we keep doing these blocks of things like on showtime. Was what we most recently did, AMC plus before that, that's a little less accessible. Let's justify a main streaming apps existence because Peacock is making it hard for me to justify having Hulu.


[00:42:21] Scott Moran: Almost Lee


[00:42:27] Scott Moran: Oh, we haven't had one of those in a long time. Oh, I like


[00:42:36] Scott Moran: There was just that little one with the baby Dino.


[00:42:41] Frank Roll III: Pitt land before times. Shit right there, man. What if this is like land before time universe? Like what if in



[00:42:55] Frank Roll III: at the cover of the original vhs, you're like, that's him.


[00:43:03] Scott Moran: The whole time I was watching Lane four time, I was like, you're all gonna die in a fiery asteroid. Now we know because of 65 (movie). 65 (movie) would watch again. Might not recommend. I don't know if I'd


[00:43:20] Scott Moran: it, I mean, I did watch point break the other day, so you know, sometimes you just watch a middle of the road movie, gotta wax that board.


[00:43:33] Frank Roll III: dude. I mean, it's got the gun like from demolition, man. It's gotta like charge up almost


[00:43:43] Frank Roll III: the food and water purifier. Yeah. I'm telling you. Go of those things you take to the beach.


[00:43:57] Scott Moran: on you. I bet it exists already. It has to. No,


[00:44:10] Frank Roll III: You can find us on Twitter, last clerks Instagram at the last video store clerks. And you can find Scott at dispatchesfromthepit.com.

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About the Podcast

The Last Video Store Clerks
With Frank and Scott
The Last Video Store Clerks try to figure out what a good movie even is in the age of streaming. Are there still Cult Classics with no shelf to put them on? Something is missing. Former video store clerks Frank Roll and Scott Moran aim to find it. Or at least, comedy and a silver lining. What is a good movie anyway?

About your host

Profile picture for Scott Moran

Scott Moran

Former video store clerk, current sci-fi horror writer. Our copywriter, podcast editor, audio engineer, and resident bad good movie expert.