Cocaine Bear (2023)
Cocaine Bear is a 2023 horror comedy directed by Elizabeth Banks and starring Keri Russell. The podcast is a year old! Frank WILL watch No Escape for the 51st time.
Cocaine Bear is currently streaming on Peacock
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Cocaine Bear
[:[00:00:09] Frank Roll: Hollywood and the independent
[:[00:00:22] Scott Moran: Does this hold up? And just, what the hell is a good movie? Anyway, I'm Frank Roll. I'm Scott Moran and we are the last video
[:[00:00:39] Frank Roll: It's gonna be a great one. Everything's
[:[00:00:56] Frank Roll: So technically we've
[:[00:00:58] Scott Moran: Yeah. Lost the very, very first one.
[:[00:01:02] Scott Moran: three. No, no, we haven't lost three. We didn't record one. And then we re-recorded it weeks later. And then, so
[:[00:01:09] Scott Moran: cloud. Yes. The one about us talking about being video store clerks. That's the original lost episode. Okay. I forgot which one it was.
[:[00:01:31] Frank Roll: I pictured you with like a meat
[:[00:01:39] Scott Moran: Yeah. And, uh, that's not how you do it.
[:[00:01:49] Scott Moran: gonna do a mini episode about the big thing I watched, but uh, I also like watched. Parks and Rec. We started watching that again, but I started from season two. I didn't feel like watching Season one again. It's not as good as the other season fell, fell into the pair.
[:[00:02:12] Frank Roll: Oh God, what? Donna's hair in the first couple seat. Like they just didn't, it was not, her
[:[00:02:23] Scott Moran: I think he was trying to write, I think he pitched it as an office, you know, and then
[:[00:02:30] Scott Moran: Haverford. Yeah. And then everybody became their own. But that was the thing is in both cases it's completely character driven. Doesn't really matter what happens every episode. I know.
[:[00:02:50] Scott Moran: First name? Adam. Last
[:[00:02:54] Frank Roll: I know it. I know it. It's just sometimes it isn't there. I think he read for the part of Jim. Oh really? Yeah. I believe it was Jim. I don't think it was Michael. I think he read for
[:[00:03:07] Frank Roll: Some of the Dwights were just like, no. Good, good deal.
[:[00:03:10] Scott Moran: really nailed that one. Yeah, man, he's so good. But yeah, we needed another, uh, like a. 20 minute thing where I'm like, no, you're gonna pass out. So we're gonna watch this and then I'm gonna go watch whatever afterwards. Comfort tv. Yeah. I watched a little Mandalorian. Almost done. Okay. Uh, Katie Sack off man.
[:[00:03:44] Frank Roll: Like, thank
[:[00:03:52] Frank Roll: afford to work even better. I was more than happy. You sh you sent that to me. I was like, yes. I got lumpy that
[:[00:04:07] Scott Moran: It's such a western. She, I'm not up to date on my P pews. Okay. K Ackoff is solid in it, but she doesn't come in until like halfway through the second season. Mm-hmm. Still she does
[:[00:04:18] Scott Moran: know, other things. Yeah. It's a fantastic, it's, it's the last one, like I've seen that she does great in it in space, except Ellie is a Yoda.
[:[00:04:32] Frank Roll: You gonna go back and you gonna find that episode of Buffy he was in.
[:[00:04:48] Scott Moran: So he was like, I was like looking into an iPad in the airport, talking to like a six year old boy going, yeah. I'm the Mandalorian.
[:[00:05:00] Scott Moran: it works. I have to see that Nicholas Cage movie.
[:[00:05:08] Scott Moran: free anywhere. No,
[:[00:05:11] Scott Moran: free. You already pay for it. Free. Yeah.
[:[00:05:16] Scott Moran: Fucking nobody has stars.
[:[00:05:18] Frank Roll: then, I feel like it's on through Amazon or Hulu or something. Like it's just there. Stars
[:[00:05:25] Frank Roll: deep collection. Like I feel like it's
[:[00:05:28] Frank Roll: random in the right way. It would happen, uh, the way that we went through the Ammc plus movies.
[:[00:05:39] Scott Moran: month. I needed to try more things from shutter. That's what I wanted. Okay. Okay.
[:[00:05:53] Scott Moran: plus movies.
[:[00:06:13] Scott Moran: That's what
[:[00:06:16] Scott Moran: it, well, you have to go hardcore with the like thing. Special effects, the backwards stuff. I think he could do that.
[:[00:06:30] Frank Roll: Like it was a room. Like, you know what I mean? Yes. I feel like that's why I finished it. If that movie had a budget, I feel like it really would've been something. Yeah. But poor fucking whoever put that together, it's like, damn man. Like nice try with what you have. But shit, that was tough. Like, I mean, it looked awful.
[:[00:06:54] Scott Moran: and I'll never, I'm down for that.
[:[00:07:03] Scott Moran: space. Right. I hope it gets a big budget and it doesn't get resident evil to death.
[:[00:07:15] Frank Roll: Yeah, it is. Man, those weapons. Okay. Don't, yeah.
[:[00:07:26] Frank Roll: never learn Latin. Um, no. I did. I went through some random stuff to go to sleep.
[:[00:07:38] Scott Moran: life and I'm like, maybe I did watch the Jeremy Runner or the 2020 episode with Kelly.
[:[00:07:47] Scott Moran: It made me sad. He really is like, This was my fault.
[:[00:07:54] Frank Roll: well, yeah. But one of the things I saw was the breakdown of what happened and Damn. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
[:[00:08:04] Frank Roll: though. Well, and when the story first came out, I pictured one of the push snowplows.
[:[00:08:09] Scott Moran: what I, I pictured like a smaller snow plower. Exactly. Like not like a snow
[:[00:08:15] Scott Moran: cat. Yeah, not like a, that was like an Antarctic vehicle. Heavy
[:[00:08:20] Scott Moran: loader. He got lucky though. He didn't get crushed by the actual tires.
[:[00:08:34] Frank Roll: if it went over a rock in the storm,
[:[00:08:41] Scott Moran: But it was like, like,
[:[00:08:45] Scott Moran: stuff, dude. I know you don't. That's why I told you. That's why I wear glasses. He kept pointing to it in the 2020 thing too. Yeah. You know, cuz my eye, I mean,
[:[00:08:58] Scott Moran: know it made me kind of sad.
[:[00:09:05] Frank Roll: I mean, I'll probably end up watching the fourth born one. This is when he
[:[00:09:18] Frank Roll: man.
[:[00:09:33] Scott Moran: the song he sings mm-hmm. In it where plays the piano.
[:[00:09:39] Frank Roll: is intense. 2013. Right. That was great for then. And I mean, it
[:[00:09:51] Frank Roll: dude. Yeah, man. That was like, damn, like the, you know the, the real down chicks, the two really down chicks.
[:[00:10:01] Scott Moran: out. I said Franco was kind of scary. You gotta give it to him. Hes a
[:[00:10:21] Frank Roll: Um, finally finished the last of Us. I
[:[00:10:25] Frank Roll: it's about
[:[00:10:29] Frank Roll: Yeah. Um, but yeah, really, I mean, I'm glad I gotta check out spring breakers. That was fucking nuts. Can't believe I missed that. It's quite a movie. I had no idea I missed that.
[:[00:10:43] Scott Moran: it was a thing. I didn't know it was a thing. Oh man. I thought you had at least seen the trailer.
[:[00:10:52] Frank Roll: I wasn't at that point in life in 2013, but accurate and, but I do like how those chicks were just down. Fuck man. They didn't zero
[:[00:11:07] Frank Roll: Yeah, dude, let's get drunk ass titties. Drinking. Ooh, sand sun.
[:[00:11:18] Frank Roll: Go to spring break at Port Aransas. They're South Padre. Yeah. Not that movie that's, that's not the same Spring breakers different, but I bet you could come up with a cool story, you know? Oh, for sure. Yeah. Um, and I wanted to say we should think. Remember how I mentioned No escape, Ray Liotta? Yeah. It's on Prime.
[:[00:11:56] Scott Moran: 50 times.
[:[00:12:02] Frank Roll: in the day of one H B o one Cinemax. So whatever movie they were really trying to push, man, if you were at home a lot, that's, that's what was there. It's like every
[:[00:12:11] Frank Roll: that? Yeah. I mean like every nine hours, you know, you go to like three, four movies.
[:[00:12:15] Scott Moran: I saw a lot of things via T n T and u s A when I was a kid because we never had H B O proper.
[:[00:12:26] Scott Moran: I don't sometimes em, Nikita, and
[:[00:12:30] Scott Moran: movies, like they had movies. A block of like more risque television. Yeah.
[:[00:12:35] Frank Roll: that happen? Everything was still like censored back then. I think just
[:[00:12:40] Frank Roll: we weren't, we can get this in between at 12 central time.
[:[00:12:53] Scott Moran: And you put it on your cable box. Yeah, it was the home box office.
[:[00:13:01] Scott Moran: Yeah. Cuz my grandmother still had one, but then she didn't have HBO because they didn't do it that way anymore. She was like already like, I'm not changing.
[:[00:13:27] Frank Roll: I'm glad I got to watch some stuff though. You know, like, yeah, I had some, you know, time.
[:[00:13:35] Frank Roll: It happens. The first day I didn't sleep enough, so the second day I was like, I should sleep. And then I slept for four hours of the day after I'd been awake in the morning.
[:[00:13:53] Scott Moran: you, yeah, you wish you had. Yeah. That's
[:[00:13:56] Frank Roll: And it's not trying to be a smart ass. It's like, no, like you will fucking miss this. Love it.
[:[00:14:09] Frank Roll: trouble.
[:[00:14:11] Scott Moran: I was always jealous of like that kid who was kind of scary that nobody would wake him up. The teacher wouldn't wake him up for anything. But I was like, you. What the fuck? I can't.
[:[00:14:22] Scott Moran: one. Mm-hmm. The nineties. Today we're talking about the eighties.
[:[00:14:36] Frank Roll: like, uh, it's the buffer from the, the weeks missed. Yes. The weeks missed. It's like a balance.
[:[00:14:45] Frank Roll: it.
[:[00:14:48] Scott Moran: no. Boy, we lost the Celsius commercial in the lost episode. It was unprompted Celsius commercial. No one
[:[00:14:58] Scott Moran: or you could do
[:[00:15:05] Scott Moran: Well, we both have horrifying attention deficit disorder, so that's probably why we would react that way. Like a bear on cocaine. It was intense. But I thought in the back of my mind that this was gonna be like snakes on a plane and it was not. Kind of, kind of, but. But no, not as much. I think if anyone thinks that this movie is like Snakes on a Plane or Piran.
[:[00:15:33] Frank Roll: good eighties grain, like not. Picture quality wise, but like, you know,
[:[00:15:45] Frank Roll: all for some coked out bear action. It was nonstop and some of the back and forth, oh
[:[00:15:52] Scott Moran: It was good. Some of the dialogue, like they were taking dialogue so seriously that did not necessitate that level of acting. But they did it anyway and it was great. I can tell
[:[00:16:05] Scott Moran: I deep dove a little bit. And you watched the, I did watch the Dove. The true story. Yes, I did.
[:[00:16:23] Frank Roll: only reason I'm making faces and breathing funny about it is because I
[:[00:16:34] Scott Moran: Well, look, I get this uns skewed, you know? Yeah. And you could do it later. And you should. It's really interesting. Hmm. It's an interesting story, but it mostly has to do with things leading up to the
[:[00:16:52] Frank Roll: Wait, sorry, it's four, but can you call somebody I could
[:[00:16:57] Frank Roll: anywhere? Yeah, dude, we got gas. You got cigarettes?
[:[00:17:03] Frank Roll: drunk anymore.
[:[00:17:12] Frank Roll: you gotta throw
[:[00:17:16] Scott Moran: Bangs his head jumping out of a plane with a shipment of cocaine bound for mob Boss said White duffel, bags of cocaine, rain over the Chattahoochee National Forest. The body lands in Knoxville, Tennessee, and a large quantity of Coke is then ingested by a bear who goes on a killing spree in search of maintaining that.
[:[00:17:53] Scott Moran: Also a fucking Stephen King name, straight up. Really? Jimmy Jude Champ. Mm-hmm. Stand by Me. Oh, park Ranger Liz and wildlife activist Peter and in hot Pursuit of the crime of the century, detective Bob and Officer Reba. No last names. While the movie might not exactly resemble the true events that inspired this, it's a hell of a lot of fun.
[:[00:18:18] Scott Moran: You can buy the Anarchist Cookbook now, but it's like, Not what it was when we were teenagers. What's
[:[00:18:27] Scott Moran: Not a lot of the information is useful anymore. Does
[:[00:18:30] Scott Moran: they could put that in?
[:[00:18:41] Frank Roll: Uh, tennis ball bomb. The match headss in a tennis ball. Oh yeah. Yeah. That one
[:[00:18:49] Frank Roll: No, and we had to be careful because we read stories about, oh, well dogs will get the tennis balls. So we were very careful not to leave any tennis balls behind. Disclaimer,
[:[00:19:01] Frank Roll: It's like, like I said, somewhere I have that on a three and a half inch floppy. I'm getting like this to get hyped for that.
[:[00:19:09] Scott Moran: really relaxed. Like George Costanza in that picture, he takes with the robe.
[:[00:19:27] Frank Roll: The true story is less climactic. About three months after Thornton dropped the cocaine in the Chattahoochee forest. An empty duffle bag with cocaine residue was found in a bear that ingested all of it was found out of an apparent overdose. Its taxidermy remains Were eventually put on display at the Kentucky for Kentucky Fun Mall.
[:[00:20:04] Frank Roll: Gucci loafers and was in possession of 35 kilos of cocaine. Night vision goggles, $4,500 in cash. Six gold Kruger rounds, a fist full of precious stone, multiple knives, and two pistols. Cocaine Bear is the third feature length film directed by Elizabeth Banks. It was written by Jimmy Warden, who also wrote the Babysitter Killer Queen.
[:[00:20:41] Scott Moran: Liz, man. Like a, I like that actress.
[:[00:20:47] Frank Roll: Uh, Jesse Tyler Ferguson. Is Peter Christopher. Hi. You is Olaf. Uh Hannah. Hetra is Elsa and, uh, aula Smart as Officer Reba. The movie was theatrically released on February 24th, 2023 and is currently streaming on Peacock. The film is the last movie Rayo to finish production on before his passing last year, and the film is dedicated to his memory.
[:[00:21:16] Scott Moran: think of anything else. I couldn't think of anything else. Isn't that why they named Snakes on a plane? That was, they couldn't think of anything to call it, or was Samuel Jackson demanded?
[:[00:21:28] Frank Roll: rumor. And I, I heard a thing that, like his, his light had to be purple. It's fucking awesome. Yeah. I mean, the man makes requests and they are granted, like, I'm not saying no to Samuel L. Jackson. Fuck. He can have whatever he
[:[00:21:43] Scott Moran: Jackson. Yeah,
[:[00:21:49] Scott Moran: He's fucking almost 82 and he looks like he's, he looks amazing. Looks fucking great. Fucking still doing action movies with Ryan Reynolds. They're not great,
[:[00:22:04] Frank Roll: Yep. He's been around, man. It's like when you see Lawrence Fishburn in like a late eighties, early nineties movie, you're like, whoa, that's a skinny guy. Well, and then you watch like Apocalypse Now and he's like a kid. Yes. That's.
[:[00:22:23] Scott Moran: He's just a baby.
[:[00:22:44] Frank Roll: And
[:[00:22:52] Frank Roll: He would like scurry in the background, just like,
[:[00:22:57] Frank Roll: that.
[:[00:23:08] Frank Roll: No, it was, uh, it was great shit all around. From the very beginning you're like, okay, Matthew. Matthew
[:[00:23:17] Frank Roll: I was like, this is fucking nuts. And I was like, well mean, you know, you're up there. Might as well party while you're going down.
[:[00:23:25] Scott Moran: Elizabeth Banks is good at making comedies. Yeah. She just hasn't made one I wanted to see yet, because this is a pitch perfect too. And, uh, aka, excuse me, is that in Pitch Perfect too? AKA awesome. Are you trying to not admit that you saw a pitch perfect too?
[:[00:23:44] Frank Roll: There's nothing wrong with that.
[:[00:23:47] Frank Roll: I'm not a big fan of I, I'll do Chicago.
[:[00:23:52] Frank Roll: weird. Hey, I know, I just, well, I have to, I don't really do musicals, but I'll do Chicago.
[:[00:24:02] Scott Moran: Sorry. No more. I was like, what the fuck happened to this movie?
[:[00:24:16] Scott Moran: just musicals in general. I can't handle them. And really theatery kids singing really upsets me.
[:[00:24:26] Frank Roll: You know what I mean? Like it was like, now we're gonna
[:[00:24:34] Frank Roll: they are the ones who helped me choreograph for Spice Girls when we were in eighth grade. So it came in handy.
[:[00:24:41] Frank Roll: help with that.
[:[00:24:45] Scott Moran: in eighth grade. I would've done that with a bunch of girls too. Yeah. I liked, uh, Kelly pointed out that the movie opened with the same song as the opening of Wet Hot American Summer. Did it? Yes. Shit. Which she's
[:[00:25:01] Frank Roll: Didn't catch, catch that. I didn't catch
[:[00:25:05] Frank Roll: Okay. I mean, like you said though, the music in this was, it was good. You know, it was the, it was
[:[00:25:20] Scott Moran: They
[:[00:25:24] Scott Moran: eighties. It wasn't like, uh, you spin me round and stuff like that. Mm-hmm. Like really? I feel like a lot of the times when they make movies like this, they just. Over pack it with really mainstream eighties stuff, white weddings.
[:[00:25:57] Scott Moran: Mm-hmm. That. I think that's why we got so much full song with vocals laid over a scene. Now they're really like good at mixing it back and you can't tell it's there. Or
[:[00:26:11] Scott Moran: me out.
[:[00:26:18] Frank Roll: Well, Elvis, that new Elvis kind of does that in places. There's like modern music in certain sequences of the film. And it's like, oh, and it catches you off a little bit, but you're like, okay, it fits. It fits good
[:[00:26:35] Frank Roll: I don't even know if it had its origin in Elvis, just it fit in good with the scene.
[:[00:26:48] Scott Moran: El Ola. Solid. Like slasher movie opening. I was like, oh, it's a slasher movie. Immediately. We're doing this werewolf. Cold open.
[:[00:27:02] Scott Moran: Isn't that weird? You think she did that on purpose? I
[:[00:27:09] Scott Moran: never seen Frozen, so I only knew that because somebody wrote it on I mdb. Yeah. Man, but I was like, she looks familiar. She's Aloy in the Horizon games.
[:[00:27:39] Scott Moran: And I looked it up and I was like, oh my God. She's her face
[:[00:27:45] Scott Moran: a lot of
[:[00:27:51] Scott Moran: Yeah. Rest in peace. Lance Reddick. He's in it. Okay. Xbox Boy.
[:[00:28:03] Scott Moran: Oh my God. The way they talked to each other was great. Those actors were perfect. It
[:[00:28:10] Scott Moran: it? Some of it felt really natural, like the way they were talking to each other.
[:[00:28:19] Frank Roll: Just some of that back and forth
[:[00:28:25] Frank Roll: he's ma making up the story
[:[00:28:44] Scott Moran: Because in no way does this, it's only made me respect her more. Also, I'm me, but like little kids doing cocaine. Yeah. Even if they're eating it. Yeah. Because I'll, they spit it out immediately.
[:[00:29:01] Scott Moran: One way or another, they got a little cocaine
[:[00:29:04] Frank Roll: And that's what I'm saying. And in this movie they eat it and it's like, damn. But like that's maybe what a kid would do. It's a fucking
[:[00:29:11] Frank Roll: yeah. I mean their, their faces definitely would've been numb. Yeah.
[:[00:29:22] Frank Roll: Oh my God.
[:[00:29:31] Scott Moran: got. Like he worked on more stuff. This was the last one he finished production on. Mm-hmm. So he had just come in to do ADR and saw the like bear and was real excited about the bear.
[:[00:29:49] Frank Roll: on something when he passed away. Yes. Yeah, that's right.
[:[00:29:54] Frank Roll: he's got credit, but it was the last one he finished. Got it. Cocaine bear. Good one for
[:[00:30:02] Scott Moran: Ray Liotta movie, like the full one. Yeah. I really appreciate this is a very him thing to do. He's so funny and scary
[:[00:30:19] Scott Moran: Entry. He was such a weird nineties movie, nineties crime thriller, like archive in the back of your
[:[00:30:26] Frank Roll: Unlawful entry. Um, Kurt Russell. I think it was Madeline St.
[:[00:30:33] Frank Roll: Weaver. I think it was around the time of Tombstone maybe. Oh man, that's way back. Yeah. I feel like I was maybe third grade-ish.
[:[00:30:44] Frank Roll: Yeah, I think she still pops up in things.
[:[00:30:47] Scott Moran: cuz I got squeaky. She's on USA now. You, I think she
[:[00:30:53] Scott Moran: She did some stuff. She
[:[00:31:07] Scott Moran: Kinda like the grandma from the play with your cocking balls.
[:[00:31:11] Frank Roll: mama.
[:[00:31:15] Frank Roll: make you a sandwich. I'm gonna make you a sandwich. I with some Beni.
[:[00:31:29] Frank Roll: I mean, like country grandma, right? But country grandma that never had kids.
[:[00:31:35] Frank Roll: ranger.
[:[00:31:38] Scott Moran: for sure. She was like a ma. She basically was in justified, like she was like the, the old lady running a drug syndicate was justified.
[:[00:31:48] Scott Moran: it. Oh, it's great shit. It's a long one, but it's great. So
[:[00:31:56] Frank Roll: Like anything that he was in, she knew. She knew all the Timothy Oliphant
[:[00:32:05] Frank Roll: Um, I still go to Go and the
[:[00:32:16] Scott Moran: Deadwood is good and they finished it, which I haven't watched the end. So what was the other thing? Boardwalk Empire. Boardwalk Empire was good. I didn't do that one either. It was a little, uh, it was around that madman time, so it had that pace. Mm mm So it wasn't like a sopranos paste show. Dave Eden and Eddie, their interactions with each other were hilarious.
[:[00:32:49] Frank Roll: Was it six days? Yes,
[:[00:32:56] Frank Roll: days of John.
[:[00:33:00] Scott Moran: Fuck. I'm gonna get his tattoo that says six days of John There. That's a damn. I won't, you can have it. Nah.
[:[00:33:13] Scott Moran: What is a good name for a little ice cube? Is he ice chips?
[:[00:33:20] Scott Moran: ice Come ice.
[:[00:33:28] Frank Roll: No, I think Pebble Ice. Crushed
[:[00:33:34] Frank Roll: crushed Ice. Crushed ice.
[:[00:33:38] Frank Roll: I feel like that's got a little more, you know, meat to it. Yeah. Pebble Ice is like what?
[:[00:33:46] Scott Moran: Dennis
[:[00:33:48] Scott Moran: while back. When did you champs try to mug him in the bathroom? That was like one of my favorite scenes of the whole movie? Yes. And the main one, the one that mustache that goes along with him, he looks like somebody mixed. Macaulay Caulkin and Sam Rockwell together.
[:[00:34:05] Frank Roll: Maybe like a little
[:[00:34:08] Frank Roll: Akin, and a smudge of Justin Long. A
[:[00:34:12] Frank Roll: Yeah, like just like a droplet. Droplet of it. Droplet of Justin Long in there. Yeah. I like Justin Long. I bet he'd be cool to hang out with. I'd like to hang out with Justin Long. He was
[:[00:34:20] Scott Moran: I mean, I haven't seen Tuss.
[:[00:34:25] Scott Moran: Dude, we may have to do Tusk for this at that point. I almost hit that. We've never done a Kevin Smith movie. I keep waiting to do the cult thing for Red State to appear
[:[00:34:38] Frank Roll: I saw it last that it's just a newer one.
[:[00:34:43] Frank Roll: seen Red State, I feel like, but I don't remember it. But I feel like I watched on Netflix it, I was like, oh, that sounds good. And I feel like I watched it. I just
[:[00:34:51] Scott Moran: You haven't, I showed you the trailer and you were like, I remember the trailer, but I don't, I don't think I've seen this movie. Was that
[:[00:35:01] Scott Moran: It'll be brand new to you. I don't know.
[:[00:35:10] Frank Roll: you know that Yeah, you'd have that energy to sprint up that fucking tree so fast. Jesse, Tyler
[:[00:35:23] Frank Roll: Family. You should. You'd love it.
[:[00:35:26] Scott Moran: Everybody said it. It makes me feel like I'm at home.
[:[00:35:43] Frank Roll: Good mix of cast though. And Keri Russell. That's like
[:[00:35:52] Scott Moran: And then when I watched The Americans, I was like, these people are all fucking great. Well, she's in one of my favorite alien movies. What's that movie called, isn't it Dark Skies? Yeah, bad cgi. I In that one you thought a little bit, yeah. Swirling. Swirling Maybe. I'm getting Darkness Falls and uh, That movie confused.
[:[00:36:16] Frank Roll: he trips and falls. Yeah, that's what it was. He does the trip and the face plan in it and then he's like, fuck what? And then the look at his face is like,
[:[00:36:27] Scott Moran: Uh, yeah, the gore in this was really good, but not
[:[00:36:30] Scott Moran: cuz you didn't see a ton of that. No, and she even said she cut a scene out of it because she was like, I felt like we were into the emotional part of the story and we didn't need to. Make you be like, oh man, like thigh
[:[00:36:45] Frank Roll: Or
[:[00:36:48] Frank Roll: thing. If it's black fight bra, fight back, it's a brown lay down.
[:[00:36:56] Frank Roll: fight back. No, cuz the brown bear is more aggressive and if you're docile and not a threat, it's more likely to leave you alone.
[:[00:37:09] Scott Moran: make noise. They're they're smaller. Yeah. Black bears are cute.
[:[00:37:22] Scott Moran: cross the tracks.
[:[00:37:27] Frank Roll: Big ass goofy bear
[:[00:37:32] Frank Roll: That's the fucking wilderness. Everything's bigger in Texas except Alaska. It's true.
[:[00:37:49] Frank Roll: Yeah. Like you knew something was coming and Yeah. When he opens that door and like the bear head comes out of the shadow, like just real slow group and he's like, oh shit, the back off with the door shut. We should leave. Oh, it was so great. I was, I was hoping they'd make it. I wanted them to make it, but of course.
[:[00:38:07] Scott Moran: make it. Sheriff Liz falling outta that ambulance was just the icing on the cake. Oh, that
[:[00:38:21] Scott Moran: Yeah. Uh, she didn't hold back with the gore and I think that's what really made me just, I wanted to stand up while I was watching it,
[:[00:38:29] Frank Roll: Well, and didn't part of you think, cuz you know, they pass around the road towards the end. Did party be like, is she gonna say something like, well, when that
[:[00:38:42] Frank Roll: No, the kids in this movie were great and the kids'
[:[00:38:49] Scott Moran: All like a million. But it was worth it. And then I forgot he had it on, and then later I noticed it again and was like, oh, right. Yeah, yeah.
[:[00:39:09] Frank Roll: I was like, no. It's just her being like an old, old lady. I was like, that's all like, she, he has long hair. He has long
[:[00:39:19] Frank Roll: When she asked me that it, I thought, wait. Hmm. And I was like, no way. Not gonna happen. Oh. Like I
[:[00:39:27] Frank Roll: like not hit the mic with my elbow.
[:[00:39:35] Frank Roll: Yeah. She really had to stretch out the supplies because they didn't start right away.
[:[00:39:47] Frank Roll: the Bear's Cave. Yeah, but it was probably, it was like obviously opposite end of the cave.
[:[00:39:53] Frank Roll: waterfall. Yeah. Cuz the bears were on the waterfall side.
[:[00:40:08] Frank Roll: It was. And I like how that was, uh, like your core story, I guess.
[:[00:40:12] Scott Moran: was it, there was core story happening in two different lanes of the movie because there was the rescue,
[:[00:40:25] Scott Moran: And then there was David Eden and Eddie, and they had the other looking for the ena and their story of, uh, becoming best friends.
[:[00:40:58] Frank Roll: I loved his awkward forwardness. I don't know how to say it. It was, it was cute. It was
[:[00:41:16] Frank Roll: I mean, let's be real. I mean, what's even funny was like, well, how'd you get up there?
[:[00:41:31] Scott Moran: hurt. And then I, I love when they find sad oloff. Sitting. I
[:[00:41:41] Frank Roll: I
[:[00:41:51] Frank Roll: Dude, his eyes. Those was,
[:[00:42:01] Frank Roll: Just hardcore wildling man and seeing like, oh shit, this is an Amazon, well, like a medieval Amazon.
[:[00:42:17] Frank Roll: Oh no man. Everybody was partying.
[:[00:42:27] Frank Roll: In great talk. You know what I mean? I love the motherly approach. Like, hey, She knew what he was saying.
[:[00:42:35] Scott Moran: That was like good eighties mom parenting. Yeah. You don't get that these days. No.
[:[00:42:43] Scott Moran: schools. I guess that's what they did in our day. Everybody's got a course. They're vaping. They're vaping. Dunno what's in that vape causes pneumonia these days.
[:[00:43:02] Frank Roll: Just depends on if it's bootleg or not. Um, really glad to see Ray Liotta when
[:[00:43:14] Frank Roll: Well and then you're like, well for sure Sid's gonna die.
[:[00:43:20] Frank Roll: Well, yeah. So at the beginning, like, you know, they're meeting at like a kid's place with like a play scape and fast
[:[00:43:27] Frank Roll: Well, but you're like, oh, so it's an en speaking spot. And it's like, no, he's there watching his grandkid because you know, like movies like that, you know, classic setup.
[:[00:43:38] Scott Moran: daylight. I like that. David wanted to get some food first. He's like, won't
[:[00:43:44] Scott Moran: I was surprised he wasn't like, why do you want to eat here?
[:[00:43:52] Frank Roll: Oh. And when he is talking to him on the phone later and he's like, God damn. Like talking to the kid like nice little touch and I'm gonna watch no escape. I know you are. I'm gonna watch the shit out with him with that rocket gun or whatever that was on the cover when you went to go rent it at the video store.
[:[00:44:12] Scott Moran: Liotta, when they fell off the waterfall, that was when the nurse thing came into play. They set up her being a nurse at the very beginning of the movie. She could have been anything. You could have not told us what her profession was at
[:[00:44:26] Scott Moran: I did really appreciate when she comes home from her nursing shift and she gets woken up by the phone, like the moment she like, she relaxes, starts to relax. Her reaction was solid. Yeah. Because the old phones would scare the shit outta you. Mm-hmm. If you were in a dead quiet house. That little
[:[00:44:43] Scott Moran: shit off.
[:[00:44:46] Frank Roll: I'd turn that shit off. But then you'd forget that you turned that shit off and you didn't always have a fucking answering machine. You
[:[00:44:56] Frank Roll: Yes, because it was one of the, they had the pink
[:[00:45:02] Frank Roll: green portable phone.
[:[00:45:04] Scott Moran: that it was green. Later, I think I bought a cordless phone from a pawn shop for my bedroom, and it was like from 1990. Nah, man, my
[:[00:45:25] Scott Moran: I also like when they fell off the waterfall that he says, fuck this entire journey.
[:[00:45:34] Scott Moran: it. Uh, yeah, cuz you know when I'm taking notes, I'm writing down Hero's Journey plot points.
[:[00:45:46] Scott Moran: it's face. When it would realize that, oh, there's cocaine over there on the wings of love.
[:[00:45:57] Frank Roll: It's cocaine. Christmas. It was a good one. Uh, what at the time, IMDB had it at a 6.0.
[:[00:46:14] Scott Moran: I think
[:[00:46:17] Scott Moran: watches. You wanted to go to the theater really bad? Yeah, just and see this and then do the podcast right afterwards and I would've been totally down to do it, which just, it was in the theater for like, A week and a half.
[:[00:46:27] Frank Roll: I didn't really, I don't know.
[:[00:46:43] Frank Roll: movie. And I just want, I definitely like this way more than snakes on a plane.
[:[00:46:48] Scott Moran: better than snakes. Snakes
[:[00:46:52] Scott Moran: Yeah, but nothing she did in this was trying to be that like overly gratuitous. She really rode the line all the way through the movie. I'm not gonna go all the way into this. Gory, make the violence funny.
[:[00:47:10] Frank Roll: nudity, no strip club with the drug dealers? No. No, there wasn't. They went to
[:[00:47:23] Scott Moran: She, she felt like fine crossing,
[:[00:47:29] Scott Moran: industry. I understand why she was worried, but it's awesome. It was tasteful. I mean, you've been in multiple James Gun projects, so. If you have his sense of humor and then you make Cocaine Bear. And I wanna see, this guy has another movie, the writer has another movie coming out called Borderline with Samara Weaving.
[:[00:47:58] Frank Roll: blonde? Yes. Okay.
[:[00:48:03] Frank Roll: She's been a
[:[00:48:10] Scott Moran: Next time on the last video store clerks, we're gonna watch Wild Things. You've Decided It is Decided.
[:[00:48:22] Scott Moran: I think this is gonna be a good conversation because people think wild things. If you didn't see wild things back in the day, you think it's something it isn't. It is a pretty good movie.
[:[00:48:38] Frank Roll: thing is, is I remember the, you know what I
[:[00:48:48] Frank Roll: Well, oh six
[:[00:48:54] Scott Moran: And I know it's gonna be good again. Mm-hmm. But I'm interested in seeing how you, your memory of it and being like, oh, right, it's this kind of movie. But I do think that this is a movie that gets a bum wrapped. I can't remember exactly, but I don't think it's as sexy as we remember it being. No,
[:[00:49:17] Frank Roll: But I mean, that
[:[00:49:25] Frank Roll: mentioned in all the shows and the parodies and the, you know what I mean? Like that was what people talked about
[:[00:49:31] Scott Moran: I'm interested in doing a little bit of a deep dive, cuz it's an older movie. Mm-hmm. I can look up a lot of stuff about this one. They
[:[00:49:41] Scott Moran: way. What do I normally say? The
[:[00:49:45] Scott Moran: either. You call it an Eiffel Tower. Nolin Steamer Fish Hooking Donkey Punch.
[:[00:49:57] Frank Roll: Thanks everyone for joining us. For the last Video Store Clerks podcast, be sure to leave a rating and subscribe. You can find us on Twitter at Last Clerks Instagram at the last video store clerks, and you can find Scott at