Episode 23

Published on:

5th Oct 2022

Event Horizon - Something Hot and Black In You

Is Dr. Grant kinky or what?

Streaming currently on Paramount+

We check in with one of the most frightening movies of our youth, Event Horizon. This haunted house space opera was directed by Mortal Combat and Resident Evil director Paul W.S. Anderson, and written by Phillip Eisner and it stars:  

·       Laurence Fishburne as Captain S.J. Miller, commanding officer of the Lewis and Clark

·       Sam Neill as Dr. William Weir, designer of the Event Horizon

·       Kathleen Quinlan as Peters, medical technician 

·       Joely Richardson as Lieutenant M.L. Starck, communications and executive officer 

·       Richard T. Jones as T.F. Cooper, rescue technician

·       Jack Noseworthy as Ensign F.M. Justin, chief engineer 

·       Jason Isaacs as D.J., medical doctor of the Lewis and Clark

·       Sean Pertwee as W.F. "Smitty" Smith, pilot 

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Event Horizon

scott: [:

Frank: Blockbuster, Hollywood and the independent video store

scott: over. But searching the shelves for that special overlooked movie will never end the one that really sticks with you forever. Let's drown ourselves in a seed.

Streaming services and ask the question, what the fuck is that? Does this hold up? And just, what the hell is a good movie? Anyway, I'm Frank Roll. I'm Scott Moran and we are the last

Frank: video store clerks. . What? This thing, It's okay. Yeah, so I mean,

scott: we read it. We already have a clock. It's, It's

Frank: all good. So, what we've got a minute 30 buffer.

A minute 30

scott: buffer. Yeah.

Frank: Minute 30. Buffer. But I feel as if we spoke way longer than

scott: that. Uh, we spoke for two minutes before the record thing. That seemed way longer than yeah. For anyone who's wondering what we're talking about. I forgot to arm our recording.

ation. Apparently not longer [:

I thought we were going at least five.

scott: Yeah, we were. Uh, we’re reminisce, um, also talking about how our wives don't understand what the fuck we're talking about most of the time. Yeah.

Frank: Lots

scott: of jokes over the head. Yeah. I've come to a place where I just, if I say something that's a reference to something that Kelly doesn't understand, I will laugh at it.

I'll be like, That joke was for me. I don't need you to laugh.

Frank: or, But do you? But Frank was here. He would've thought it was funny. Do you do the false acknowledgement

scott: laugh. What's a false acknowledgement

Frank: last, I kind of just came up with that. But somebody's talking to you and you and you give this little giggle, but really you have no idea what's going on.


scott: no. I'm a little more truthy than some people. Like I used to do it. I've found that the people who don't like me, it's cuz they're like, that guy's fucking blunt and I don't like it. .

s in things than I think I'm [:

I've worked on it a lot. I realized it wasn't nice.

scott: I take it back. Oh, that's your version of like, Oh, bless your heart. or the British like. You really believe that? Yeah. Such a Fuck you . That's a good one. I've known a few British people that that's how they say you're fucking, you're totally stupid. Yeah.

did you hear me? A fucking,

Frank: the rear turns into a skirt. R I'm trying to pull up my notes, but I. I mean cuz not like I need 'em. There were just little things I wanted to remember to say, Did you

scott: watch anything that wasn't a fucking old man show for the love of God. So I did watch

Frank: two documentaries.

scott: That's fine. There's

Frank: a series on Netflix called Untold, They're sports related docu-series.

t of hype behind the guy . I [:

scott: Oh, you did tell me about

Frank: this. This guy was supposed to be like big future head him.

You go first round, you're millionaire, couple mill. Even with your rookie contract, just first rounders get paid more. Well in the news, I heard this guy made up a girlfriend. Why would you do that? Are you just trying to, Cuz supposedly his grandma and his girlfriend passed away on the same day and then everybody found out the girlfriend wasn't real.

So they were like, Why would you make that? What happened was he was catfished before people knew what catfishing

scott: was. I think you told me about this on the episode. I just, The catfish. I just watched it this week. I think you were telling me you wanted to watch it and you explained, Oh, did I follow through?

I think you followed through. I followed through

Frank: without even knowing it. Good job. I'm so proud. Oh, I'm proud of you too, buddy. And it was just very interesting cuz he was being catfished. He had no idea, but people didn't understand what that was. So these stories came out. It negatively impacted him. That he got fucked over Uhhuh, like he fell as a second round in the draft.

ut the girlfriend was never. [:

Vaguely. That's the thing. I remember like seeing street ball. I, I remember seeing it. It was something I was never into, but I was like, that is weird cuz I do remember it on TV and the clothes and shit. And then what happened to it? You know, basically just people taking advantage of other people. Then they sell out.

A brand got fucked, this untold series. I used to like them. The newer ones, I feel like they don't hit as hard. Kind of like with all Netflix programming with most of it or most of it. Sorry. I mean most, I know there's still good ones. The

scott: only thing of note I watched was the fucking Resident Evil series cuz I was like, it's doomed.

doesn't have to be a fucking [:

That's what made it scary was it was in a house. And there were dogs and zombies and you were trying to keep it there. That was the ticking clock. But when they start with this fucking militarized like Zo, and the zombies weren't good, they weren't scary, were they fast? Mb they had zombies or slow zombies?

Slow zombies, but not good zombie actors. Mmm. For all of its faults, Walking Dead really did. Oh, the Dead Walking Dead is feel like dead people, top of the line zombies. It's spooky best walkers ever because that's the only thing scary about it. Other than that, I'll take 28 days later, zombies over regular walkers any fucking day.

Frank: Yeah. Or the worst. Worst. He

scott: zombies. That's scary. Yeah. Uh, now two cartoon. Yeah. I fucking hate the special effects in that movie. The, Oh, just with board, the bulk court, The hoards. Yeah. It just looks bad. Other than that, it's fine. It's not the book,

Frank: you know, the 28 days, those zombies are

scott: pretty, They fucking scare the shit outta me.

bies thing is great. Because [:

You know? That's really what it is. Same with, you know, Donna the Dead. That's what they really get right with Walking Dead. It just goes too long. .

Frank: One day I'll finish one

scott: day. One day maybe. Maybe. I hope so. I should have just started watching Walking Dead again. But I was like, I'll watch this Doomed Resident Evil series.

I like the cover, It's my kind of like graphic design. It's yellow and it didn't get renewed for a second season. It didn't get renewed, got canceled

Frank: immediately. So that's the thing, I haven't watched it yet, but I did read that it didn't get picked up for season two.

scott: Well, I'm a I, I punish myself by watching things that I know are going to drop off Unsatisfying, cuz I'm.

But why? Why? I found out why Pretty fast. I would rather, uh, watch the fucking resident evil movies. still.

Frank: I don't remember the last one I watched. That's the thing.

er do i, I don't know when I [:

Frank: them. I don't, I don't remember that point. I don't remember

scott: which exact movie it was. Uh, it might have been when, uh, Around the time Allie Larder started popping up.

You put Allie Larder in a movie. I'm done.

I'll watch Final Destination. But I think, but as, as a, as a rule, she really bothers me. Varsity Blues, . You can't think of any other Larder movies, can you? Um, I mean, she wasn't heroes, but they got

Frank: rid of her there too. I heard you gave me a few minutes, man. Allie Larder. That's. And she's kind of one of those, she looks

scott: pissed off all the time.

I think that's what it is. Her whole acting style is looking kind of irritated, smelled something bad face.

Frank: Did she not get those high school college roles as long as she should have? I forget her movie roster right now. I really kind of do, but I feel as if she maybe

scott: missed that. I felt like she was big time in those, uh, like fhm, those knockoff GQs that were.

Pictures of half naked celebrities. She was, she did those, Uh, yeah, I remember seeing her in like maximum stuff like that. Yeah. I saw

Frank: one or two here or. [:

scott: for research. A friend had 'em,

Frank: Everybody needs something for the end table.

scott: Okay. It was the nineties. That's what we were doing. I did that in the early two thousands. That was like Playboy for teenagers.

Frank: Somebody had gotten me a subscription, so I got them for free for I think three years. They just Playboy? Yeah. Yeah. They just kept coming.

You know? You didn't unsubscribe from it. You were like, Fuck it, they're coming. They're

scott: coming. I'm not getting billed for it. What's funny is I did subscribe to it once. Mm-hmm. and, uh, I got one issue moved. They didn't forward them, and then they sent me like a bill. Like they were like, But you need to pay us.

And then I got a collection notice. I was like 22. I was like, Fuck you, ,

Frank: money is meaningless. Collect this bitch. But then, Then you found out about credit. Uh,

scott: Credit score. I mean, it was, it was probably another decade. No, that's the thing, ,

Frank: I, I made so many bad [:

But now the decisions that I made, I, that

scott: was more multiple times did not return Time. Warner Cables equipment was sent to collections and then years would pass and they'd be, Do you want cable? And I'd be like, Yeah, sure. And they'd come and set it up and no questions asked, never paid

Frank: him in nothing. And I'm the fucking guy who went and paid and then got the notice that he didn't return it and had to get the receipt and had to email and had to call.

So I feel

scott: like that happened to me once too. That's a lesson. And then I was like, Fuck

Frank: you. That's a lesson for you think you're doing the right thing.

scott: Fuck it. I like to return the equipment with all the cables just hanging off of it. Really just, I don't wrap it up real neat. I just, I make mine looks so in like a trash bag

Frank: and I'm like, Here you go.

I mean, mine doesn't get a special bag. It's in like, it's like holes in it. Yeah. Like a grocery store bag, . Um, but my shit is, it's tied up

s your bag. And I went, It's [:

And I was like, No. And then I left. Which is a dickhead thing to do. I do use

Frank: just a nasty whatever bag, but, but mine, I lay everything out. Once it, the cables are all nice and neat, I'll lay it out all with like some style and then I'll take a picture of it. Receipt that I got it. I'm super paranoid.

scott: You're a fucking lunatic.

Yes. .

Frank: Yes I am.

scott: Oh man. Kelly doesn't like it. She was not raised that way. I am a fuck you to every corporation kind of person. Like I'm the kind of person who will report shit missing from Amazon that I got like just every now and then, cuz I'm like, Fuck you, Jeffrey. Makes me feel good.

Frank: Show 'em and sometimes, fuck, they're trying to give it to you anyway for whatever reason.

Oh, they don't fucking argue. We'll give you

didn't watch too much other [:

Frank: XFiles. Yeah. You know, I'm watching my, the trash tv, but I did finish Pizzagate Mask.

I split it up into two nights and 20 minutes this evening. .

scott: That's what, Well, what is it? Is it a mock commentary? Is it a horror movie? No,

Frank: it's, if anything, it's this.

scott: You look confused.

Frank: I didn't have time to look after. That's what

scott: I, you know. Yeah, But why do you have to look the movie out to find out what it's about?

Afterwards, this movie

Frank: will confuse you because it starts off like these are based on, Events in around Austin, Texas, something like that. Yeah, and it's mainly Waco, a guy who's basically, the main character is supposedly one of the sons of David Kresh. Oh. He was like a survivor, but he's in like a Texas militia that's very conservative right wing, but he's like the crazy one.


scott: not a documentary or like a documentary, is it? No. If anything it's like a, It's not found footy or anything.

d she's with this crazy guy, [:

scott: character, No.

Every time you've talked about it, I've, you've sounded excited and I'm Dunkin is the most

Frank: exciting part of the movie shit. The way that the guy portrays this character, it's just, you can't turn away. It's fucking awkward. You're like, Well, he is fucking crazy, but you're like, Well, what's he gonna say? Then you're like, Oh, that's kind of cute and funny in a psychotic way.


scott: I

Frank: do like that. Um, I haven't seen, did something like this really happen because it's, it's about lizard people in the basement of a pizza parlor in Austin, Texas, in this conservative radio show host, uh, who I guess also

scott: streams. They didn't make that almost as Alex.

Frank: Yeah. But now that I think about it, I feel like it was a TV show, not just streaming.

Yeah. Something you're like, Is this based on like a true, you know? Yeah. Personality in

paper. Who was screaming and [:

He was not a, When I had

Frank: friends over, we would prank

scott: call just to scream shit. Yeah. It was always conspiracy theory stuff though, but it was never this . We were

Frank: just trying to call and get on air so we could scream curse words at him and hear it through the tv. Yeah. And he would get

scott: so mad. It's so much of us people just fucking with him.

There were so many nights high on fucking hallucinogens. Like come home and watch fucking just people talk shit to Alex Jones. Sometimes

Frank: they'd have local

scott: music videos though. Other tripping kids. Did you ever catch that? Yeah. Or like, do you remember the Little Puppet? I don't remember the Chinese puppet puppet thing.

It was like a, It had like tracers and people would call in and ask and he would tell their fortune, Fuck no, I don't remember that. Oh man, it was fucking weird.

Frank: No, Alex Jones. I remember him. Some music videos. A weird show every now and just something random. It was kinda like between Two Ferns. You know, like it was serious

rassed for people on TV when [:

Celine Dion videos kind of embarrassed me. not gonna lie. The chest beating.

Frank: Never going to watch Titanic and just talking shit about Celine Dion. You

scott: know Titanic. Won't get outta my fucking life because the movie we watched this week, I feel like it's a Frank and Scott Classic . Cause we watched it a lot in high school.

Also speaking, being high on hallucinogens. Frank and I were once high on hallucinogens and this movie came back to scare the Fuck out of Frank, out of his subconscious. So just like they

Frank: say in the movie, I felt the warmth coming off of him, and I thought he was fucking a flaming man in front of me. It was, it was one of those times he

scott: looked at.

and a single tear ran down his beat red face and I thought I broke my friend. It's one of those things, cause I was just like, Hey man, I'm on the phone. Just gimme a minute. . Yeah, no, I mean it

Frank: [:

I mean everything rising into the surface and I couldn't move but the heat and me, even Jesus, dude, I must have been on

scott: fire. Like I think I, I told my high school girlfriend. I was like, I gotta go. I think I broke Frank.

Frank: Yeah, you were on the phone. . You were on the phone.

scott: I'm just sitting there . Yeah, I think I gave you a typewriter and it calmed you down.

I think you were just typing your girlfriend's name over and over again. Actually. Who knows what it was? I

Frank: was probably just having a hell of a time thinking to for

scott: her. I'm gonna write her up. Fuck and we were watching Stargate. SG one. SG one. And you thought that Teal looked like a girl. We went to school with

Frank: I swear that was you. Who said that?

scott: Not me. No, it was you. Was it me? Yeah. Cause you popped up from behind the couch and you were like, You kept saying her name over and over. I wanna say it, she, he kind of does look like her.


Frank: no Stargate [:

scott: keep going. I think the first time, I don't know if it was mushrooms or acid or something like that, I came home and I watched z. It was like a XO Warrior princess marathon. And I fucking, I was like into that shit and I was like, Drugs are for me.

Frank: Go Zina. Go .

scott: Lucy. Lois, this has never been so good. Oh man, that's awesome. But we watched Event Horizon this week. No, I beat around the bush of what we were talking about. If you didn't know from the fireman, this was weird watching it this. This movie scared the fucking shit outta me.

Frank: This used to be a movie.

It doesn't anymore, but this used to be the movie that would scare me. I would be afraid at night in dark places because of this movie.

scott: It's still pretty good. Yeah. But something disconnected. I don't even know if it was one thing, like something has disconnected me from this being scary now. Yeah.

Frank: I don't get this scary, but I still appreciate that.

It's a really good [:

scott: But when you suggested doing this, I wanted to do it because this was the scariest movie ever

Frank: for all. This was the movie that scared me the most of my life. Somehow, out of all those scary movies that I've seen, this was the one that for some reason, Fucked with me. Alien

scott: still scares me.

Really? That's why it's my favorite movie. It's never lost how scary I thought it was. Mm-hmm. , no matter how many times I see it, I still think it's scary. And, uh, I thought that that was gonna happen with this. And it just, it's been a long time since I watched it. I remember half watching it once and being like, this isn't gonna hold up.

Frank: I've definitely watched it once within the last five years, but there was a long even longer gap before

scott: that. It's been a long time. And it was because I didn't want to completely lose the magic. I think it's gone now though. ,

Frank: it'll always hold. I can never knock it because I watched it so many times, but I definitely see now, man.

Okay. Just to put that in perspective and to shoot past the end. The opening credits, it's a prodigy song. Is it a Prodigy

ught maybe it was the, uh, I [:


Frank: didn't realize he did that. This the resident evils and he's married to.

scott: We, Anderson,

Pamela Anderson.

Frank: No. Isn't he married to Mia?

scott: Jo? Mia. Jjo. Giov. Yeah. Lilu. That would make sense, I believe. I don't know. That's what I was saying. Oh, I never, I thought you were fucking with me. I know. I, I really don't know. I never care who people are. I don't give a fuck who you are. No. Um, I don't wanna know what the bands I listen to look like.

I don't. Well, once I

Frank: follow celebrity and I swo, I'd known that, but I'm thinking, Well, that they're making money. He's directing, she's starring, That's why they're pumping 'em out. But yeah, they were, they're cashing

scott: in. Yeah. I didn't like them. I love Resident Evil. It's so easy. Just make a fucking movie that follow the plot like it's so easy.

Zombie's in a house. Just a [:

Frank: not, movies don't make good video games, or they can't make a good video game based off of a movie, I should say.

That being said seems to be the trend, but I think it works the other way around. You know, it's kind same thing.

scott: I am playing last of us part one right now, and uh, this is the third time I bought that fucking game. Mm-hmm. . And I'm glad they're making a TV show out of it because even if they stray from the story or if they do exactly the story, I'm okay with that because it's one of the most affecting stories.

I've ever seen in a video game. It's why it's my favorite video game. Nothing has ever really done that to me and caused that much of an emotional reaction in story form that wasn't a book or a movie or something, a TV series, but that game walked to that perfect line. So I'm really interested to see how the show does.

s gonna, it's gonna be good. [:

Frank: There were things that I hadn't felt before about it. It doesn't hit the same, It

scott: doesn't hit the same.

Ah, but I'll always love it. I, uh, think it's really interesting. We did this right after Hellrazor on accident pissed Pinhead. And guess what? Clive Barker consulted on this fucking movie really in pre-production. It was pitched as the shining in space. Mm-hmm. , uh, it was a written, seemed like an alien.

Knockoff Anderson rewrote the script to make it this, and it's still real close to Alien . It is.

Frank: Well, and

scott: I wanted to mention this setup

Frank: is Alien, you know, future topics, sphere. Versus event horizon

scott: Sphere versus which one would hold up better. Because

Frank: I definitely saw Event Horizon more, but I, I've seen sphere a lot as compared to how many people I watched Sphere multiple times.

Just me and you. I , . [:

scott: it. I imagine if you're listening to this episode that you don't need us to summarize this, but let's just do a quick

Frank: rundown. Yeah, A quick summary for Event Horizon.

You're gonna chew your cut first. I'm gonna suck it all out first. Make sure I don't get any bubble pops in there. Mid-sentence, you know. You know like you're talking just fine and then you get that

scott: bubble. Just a big spit bubble or

Frank: then you feel that like a little tingle in the back of your throat.

scott: No, when you're a little kid, you blew spit bubbles and it was just the coolest

Yeah. I've got a little kid, right, who could work up one . My little

Frank: girl will fucking spit in her fucking hands and just rub it on her face and then look at me and be like,

scott: Yeah, what's that gonna lead to? I don't know.

Frank: Sometimes when she's, We're trying to get her to go sleep. Spitting in the hallway on the floor and like rubbing it in.

ht. I met Horizon in the year:

Where to the last? The crew is briefed by where that the event horizon is equipped with an experimental gravity drive that can fold space time and plays them the distress signal consisting of screams and Hals, and possibly the Latin phrase for save me. Upon boarding the last ship, the crew discovers a massacre and investigating the drive, which activates on its own, and ingestion is pulled into the resulting portal in Emerges Catatonic

scott: is his last name.

Justin. It's weird how they say his name. Well, Kelly looked it up and she was like, Oh, Justin is a last name. You know, and I mean, everything's a fucking last name. Yeah. There are people who are probably named like Kenneth Amy or something. Well, let's just focus

Frank: on what's important. He, I know him as Baby Bear.

Okay. Okay. He's Baby Bear.

scott: Thanks. Mama Bear. Yeah. Great. .

find a video of the distress [:

Justin tries to flush himself out in airlock. Has the ship been to. Will let them leave. Is Dr. Grant kinky or what? Yeah, he is. Yeah, he is. And I mean, he keeps seeing his dead wife in the bathtub. So many Isla boob shots. Yeah.

scott: Think about that for me. So said that the only boobs in this movie from the nineties are, are where all the boobs are.

Most of the boobs are in the nineties. The dead chick. Yeah, they're dead. Chick boobs, eye list, Dead chick boobs, eye list.

Frank: Dead chick. And her eyes weren't black. They were that pink like they were. Why

scott: did they CGI the fucking eyes? It was kind of funny looking. It did not hold up man. It just didn't, You wanna hear something really funny?

Just to pause you for a second. Mm-hmm. The next movie he did was Soldier. Oh, Kurt Russell. Yeah. And he showed Kurt Russell this movie before it came out. Mm-hmm. . And he was like, Don't worry about it. Not doing good at first, cuz it wasn't doing. He was worried about it. Theatrical flop. Yeah. I don't remember.


Frank: doing good?

scott: No, I'm talking about [:

Maybe that's on my

Frank: collector's edition DVD that I watched.

scott: All of the footage has been destroy. Oh, that's, that's it doesn't exist anywhere. There's two deleted scenes on the special edition. Yeah. And one of them is him talking to like a board about going and retrieving the event horizon before the first scene.

Other than that, it was just a minute here, A minute there. Les Gory, it got hell razor there. There's no got chopped out of it. There's no such thing as destroyed. It's out there. It got an NC 17 rating, but also apparently there are a bunch of porn stars in this that we never. Get the battle scenes or the, like the scenes of the other crew.

Yeah. So he went

me real talent for the kinky [:

scott: like, no . And so a lot of it got cut. But continue with your final bit .

Frank: This haunted house Space Opera was directed by Mortal Combat and Resident Evil Director Paul Ws Anderson, and written by Philip Eisner and it's Stars Lawrence Fishburn is Captain SJ Miller, Commanding officer of the Lewis and Clark.

Sam Neil is Dr. William. We, uh, he's the designer of the event Horizon. Kathleen Quinland is Peter's medical Technic. Her picture on IMDB grandma time Man, that was 97. Yeah, so it's a 25 year old movie now. Yeah, for sure. Fucking cock balls. Joey Richardson is Lieutenant ml, Stark Communications and Executive Officer Richard T.

Jones is TF Cooper rescue technician. He was super witty, wasn't he was my favorite character. There was a lot of wit there.

scott: That guy really. He really brought this movie out for me. I didn't remember being, and his interactions with, uh, Lawrence Fishburn were great cuz Lawrence Fishburn just let him be him, where everyone else.

He was like, Stop [:

Frank: uh, Cooper makes the coffee. Jack knows Worthy as an fm Justin chief engineer. So Justin was the last name. Oh, did

scott: you determine? I did. And I typed that


Frank: now we know. Hey. It's like that one time I lost a tile. Yeah. Some of this is just work , uh, Jason Isaacs as dj Medical Doctor of the Lewis and Clark dj.

scott: Oh yeah, he's, I have a feeling his name is Doctor something and they call him dj. Dj, but they never really explained it. And who's

Frank: it? Sean Perk Pertwee.

Sean Pertwee. He's Wf Smitty Smith. Hesty

scott: Smith's great. He's so good at everything. Yeah. He's, uh, in all of Neil Marshall's movies, pretty much, uh, except for the in descent. He wasn't in the dissent Was he in Alien Three. Ah,

Frank: oh. I feel like he would fit in really good in that cast if he wasn't know. He would've been good in that one.

He was, I

He was in, uh, Dog Soldiers [:

I love Neil Marshall. Wow. It's like cartoony and fun. The descent scared the fuck out of me though. Yeah. Super. Ooh. And I thought it was gonna be based on the book and it. Still scared the fuck outta me, but I was alone in a theater at 11:00 AM and

Frank: this is the, the Splunkers, right?

scott: I don't like

Frank: enclosed spaces.

Now I don't know why people do that. Um, No, neither do i, I don't get it. There's nothing, Ooh, I made it through without getting stuck. I mean, that's basically what you're saying. Yeah. I made it through without fucking ending my life. And that's

scott: the same thing that scares me about space, but it's like, it's the.

ugh. That shit freaks me the [:

All it takes is one breach in the hole, , that space suit

Frank: thing. I do appreciate their space suits in this movie. I think those space suits still hold

scott: up in a way. They weighed 67 pounds and they had to build. Poles that they could hang them on while they were still in them, so they didn't have to hold them

Frank: up.

Oh. Like they didn't have to like hold themselves up in the suit while they were waiting.

scott: Yeah. Apparently, uh, Lawrence Fishburn named his, like Doris or something like that. The writer came in to watch some of the movie being made. Yeah. And he was like, This was your fault. Like, got joking with him about it and he's like, I am in hell.

Frank: No, I was gonna say, I think the space suits would still hold up in a movie today

scott: the set design looks. Yeah, it was great. The spaceships look great on the outside

Frank: and the darkness that they try and convey, you know, it's, You feel like that ship is fucking evil. Is that a Roman numeral 13 on the hatch that they picked?


scott: you notice that? I noticed there was a Roman numeral, but I didn't think

k I saw an X with the three, [:

scott: movie, the setup to. Fucking alien.

It's like, where is the robot? I wanna say replicate because now I feel like Blade Runner and Alien are the same universe, the synthetic person, to be politically correct, , Skin, Job, , and the other thing, the reason Alien is so good. . And the reason this is still, it's a good movie. It's a good story. Every single one of these characters was fully developed in a full part of the movie.

There was no central character. Lawrence Fishburn is the lead hero. Yeah. You know, and we is the, the one that goes bad,

Frank: batch it crazy. Pinhead without the

scott: pins. I thought he was covered in scars for longer. Uh, Me too. I thought it was like, I thought that was a lot more of the, uh, I think a sunshine has.

a lot more of that burned up [:

Frank: there. By the way, if you haven't watched Sun , Sunshine's underrated too, but

scott: even I fucking love Sunshine.

Frank: Okay? But this is more of they've gone into that alternate dimension.

scott: The effect it's had on some things for me, like that's why I love Dead Space.

It's Event Horizon. Yeah. I went

Frank: for Dead space. Same thing. I saw Event Horizon in dead Space. That's why I wanted,

scott: especially with the set design, kind of has that like the weird smooth columns in some of the rooms. The Shining was definitely that big tank , you know, it fills with blood and then flows. It fills with blood.

Boom. That's like straight up. Shout out, but nothing wrong with it. I really, I liked every character in the movie and, uh, the setup was good. That's the setup I like. It

Frank: is. And how dark it got the level of how, I mean, the Latin, you hear the Latin and the horror movies here and there of course, but the way that it's screaming and distorted and the video part didn't.

to it, Just listening to it. [:

scott: Well, apparently the video scene was a lot longer. That's, They had porn stars in there. It was people fucking and like riff ripping themselves apart and No, it was like re reverse style from like Firefly.

Yeah, but even darker

Frank: than that.

scott: But same name. Yeah. No, I don't know. The rivers are like the scariest shit to me. like that freaks me the fuck.

Frank: How about that? Just how the blood and the parts are just spattered on that part of the bridge.

scott: Oh, in the like kind of the window sort of thing.

Frank: How it was there.

Got that indention in the wall and it's just caked. It's caked in like a

scott: splatter spider web. Yeah. And that like expanse proto molecule thing in the beginning of the expanse.

Frank: Yeah. Part of me was like, you know, if you're not in the tank when you make the jump, you know your body would just splat. I feel like after the mutilation it jumped again and that's how they got to that.

And I'd never really thought that before.

scott: Yeah. When they. That frozen guy falls to the floor and breaks. Yeah, that was dope. But a lot of the special effects didn't fucking, they didn't hold up. I mean we, and I think it fucked with the jump scares

esley Knives demolition man, [:

But I

scott: liked even just the frozen hand with the gun mostly I liked it in this one, especially cuz I remember being part of the trailer. The guy floating and everything and the, the, the cross in the background. The cross window. Well, his

Frank: face with the win. Yeah. I felt evil when I watched this movie. That's why back in the day, it scared the shit outta me because to me this was an evil ass movie.

Not a religious person, but, fuck. That's

scott: some, that's some shit. How about fucking Sam Neil scream when he sees his wife? After the cryo woo .

Frank: That's so bad. That's how I wake up from my night terrors sometimes. Cause it's the scream where you almost can't get it out. So it's the muffled attempt to

scott: scream.

Okay, so maybe it's legit. Yeah. I thought it was just a really bad scream. No, I was like, man, he halfassed that fucking scream. So somebody who has

Frank: some fucked up night terrors, I wake up making the weirdest noise because I wake up sometimes making no noise. I'm so. You're petrified.

tmare in a fucking cryo tank [:

Frank: suck.

No, that'd be horrible. You know this movie, Not too much. I know in a lot of movies, you know, the, the bad asses get out, have the cigarette, always the cigarette or the coffee. Would you like

scott: something hot and black in you? .

Frank: It's a great pickup line when you're like, orbiting Neptune. Right? I

scott: wanna, I, I think that some of what got cut from this movie was.

Relationship between them. Oh, little bit more like a little one on one. More setup some. Yeah. Which is fine. Like I said, no problem with character development here. Ooh, remember? Virus?

Frank: Virus? Or supernova? .

scott: Oh, I remember supernova. Yeah. Freak

Frank: gas dude. Supernova. They didn't have a drive did they? Did they have a sort of gravity drive or

scott: sphere?

I don't remember. It's been too

Frank: long. Yeah. Something about a sphere and then something that's spherical and they both kind of do weird shit. I

scott: think this looks like the Hellrazor box. I think that's what they were going for

Frank: with this. Oh, what got me this time was when, I think it's when they're in the, uh, like the bay next to the airlock, you know, like that sort of like ready bay.

, are those the same fucking [:

scott: around the sphere? Probably. Probably bit like gel lighting kind of

Frank: looking. There were some sort of industrial lights. But like you can tell I, I believe it was the same style, just different size of light, and I'd never put that before together.

I was like, Fuck, I wish I would've never seen those lights in the floor. I

scott: like the way space looked in the beginning. I felt like it got cheap as it went along and I looked it up. So that opening shot of Sam Neal that goes. Upside down and pulls back and Earth is floating under the Space

Frank: Station.

scott: That floating space station that used one third of the special effects budget for a 45 second shot, shut the fuck up.

That's horrible. It took 10 weeks to make just that 45 second shot, and it looks. Amazing. But that blew my mind as somebody's

Frank: watched this many times, I would say, I don't, damn, that's a punch in the gut

scott: me and as rushed as this movie was, I could see them like rushing planning and being like, but at the same time, maybe showing you really great space at the beginning makes you not look at it as closely later.

was like, Is there thunder? [:

Frank: space because of the flashing and

scott: the Yeah. Neptune storms, you know? Mm-hmm. , you could hear it the whole time, but then at the same time, it created an ambiance that was disconcerting. It crossed

Frank: my mind this time, cuz the couple of times lightning was just so blunt. . I was like,

scott: Wait, there's that.

How about that? Fucking captain's chair, .

Frank: I'm glad you brought it up. I was wondering if you would, I don't remember it looking that awkward. It's like

scott: a sci-fi porch swing. What the fuck is going

Frank: on? Or you seeing those eighties horror movies? The DM chair that would go up the staircase.

scott: If Kelly has seen this before, she does not remember.

Cuz the first thing she said when we were watching it was, Is he in a wheelchair? ?

Frank: No,

scott: but I mean, even the ways, like there was a lot of unnecessary turning happening and uh, it looked like his legs were dangling, but they weren't because they were

Frank: real close together on some sort of like bar, like a bicycle pedal

scott: kind of, Yeah.

Frank: Something for the feet. Yeah. Um, a little fixed pedal maybe. Yeah.

s stupid . It looked awkward [:

Frank: it before. I think I had, but it, it hit me deeper

scott: this time. Just put a chair on the floor. Everybody else is on the floor, but, uh, you, why do you need a swing?


Frank: Uh, Julia from Nip Tuck. Nip Tuck made me hate her in whatever she's in. I didn't really watch

scott: Nip Tuck. So she's the, she's shark right in this It's the xo that's who you're talking about? Yes. Yeah. Okay. She was a good character too. I liked her in this. She's the Ripley, but they didn't focus on her.

Did you notice that her and Miller have no bad hell? Things happen to. Until the end. Throughout the movie, they don't have, She never had one dead person or anything. She never had one at all, did she? No. No. And neither did Miller. He's positive and he stays other than he fixes the ship, He gets blown out in the space.

He's sort of the comic relief. He doesn't, but he does it in a tasteable way. He was a good character, real necessary in this. But nothing, nothing bad ever happens to those two as far as the hell getting in your mind.

Frank: Well, wait, Fishburn was Miller, You mean

scott: Cooper? Cooper? Yeah. Sorry, sorry. Miller. Miller sees the, Yeah, yeah.

Miller sees

Yeah, the flame, the boson. [:

scott: Yeah. TF Cooper, rescue technician. Cooper .

Frank: I didn't remember all his little quips Dude. They were

scott: good. They were good. They were really good. He's a good actor.

Frank: I've seen him in lots of stuff. He starts it's like serious ass moment. It's kind of sad. And then he's like, Oh shit.

Yeah. I don't remember getting light like that at times. .

scott: Yeah, he broke up the tension. I remember the, You want something hot and black in you thing when he offers her coffee.

Frank: How about how timid we goes? You know, at the beginning he's like, Shit,

scott: you know, they hate, he tries to tell them where they're going before they go into cry sleep.

Did you notice that? I've never noticed that before, but he tries and, But Miller's just so upset. Yeah. Lauren Fishburn just brushes them off. I got a show to do on cowboys. How

Frank: long does that happen? When it's a military rescue? We were

scott: supposed to be on leave. Yeah, they're mad when he tells 'em when they get there.

You guys brushed him off cuz you were. They were pissed that they didn't get their time off a in , it's so many

Frank: of the space ones causes

're going back out. That's a [:

She has to leave her kid with her ex

Frank: or whatever? Yeah. And she's like, But it's fine cuz he'll watch him Christmas. I get him all summer. So to me that's okay. All these missions are estimated to be

scott: six months. But he had a terminal illness, right? Yes. I

Frank: would assume terminal. But maybe

scott: there he had some sort of cancer or something.


Frank: But the visual that she gets in her nightmare was a little, What the fuck kind of illness is that? Like the fucking green leaves. Also,

scott: that kid like lures her to a ledge so she falls off. That was kind of, it kind of, I was like, Well, alright. I thought Weir's wife was gonna get me this time though, with one of the popups.

Yeah, because it used to get me, even though I knew it was coming,

Frank: the scene where he crawls in there to replace

scott: that or fix that board. Yeah. When he is crawling around on the thing and the light turns on for that to come and

Frank: go. When I used to watch. Because that one would fuck me up the most. Me too.

That was the one, the green one. The big one.

scott: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you always thought the fire guy was scary and I was like, That's not scary.

ing little green corridor of [:

scott: Yeah. I was hoping it would get Kelly. And it didn't. It didn't. Mm. Which makes me think it just didn't hold up because, uh, the jump scares were cheap. But in a good way. The door opening behind him when he wakes, when he is like walking around, that was a cheap jump scare. Super.

Frank: That's what made me jump the most.

scott: This watch through Me Too, , the cheapest one

Frank: that got the biggest jump outta me, this watch through. And dude, I was so tired. I'm like reclined in a chair. And you know what I was thinking

scott: while I was doing this? I was like, I villains got me once. On a gag , and this is not getting me at all. It's not holding me

Frank: anymore.

That door thing did get me, I'll say it counted it was enough cuz I didn't remember that well when

scott: I was reading about the fucking movie. He said he wished he didn't do that one cuz he thought it was the cheapest jump scare in the, the whole movie. It's the only thing that made me moving on the is the only thing that held up.

little area, the green area [:

scott: bullshit.


Frank: Fucking fallen

scott: with dead tits. There was a lot of things I like put into this that I came to like after. Saw this. So this was sort of my first experience with it. You know, like Solaris is there. Did you ever see Solaris at least like the, either the Russian one or the, I saw the Clooney, It's one of my favorite books ever written.

It fucking freaks me out. The Dead Wife thing, and he keeps putting her in a rocket and keeps coming back. You know that like, that shit is just like, What the fuck? This had a little bit of that to it and. I think the story's great. It's such a good

Frank: story. It still is my mind. It's love space horror. It's, it's still my favorite space.

Sci-fi horror, although

scott: actual hell razor in space. Not very good. That's what I'm saying. There's a


Frank: Did you ever see that one? I don't even know if I saw it. I think actually the Jason in Space,

hat one was written to be an [:

And he crammed it in there. Having never seen a Friday the 13th movie, .

Frank: I think watching that a long time ago threw me off of horror movies. But I like the point of my, It threw me off,

scott: man. I was, Jason X has its moment, ,

Frank: I haven't seen it since whatever year that was. It came out. Especially, it freezes

scott: that girl's face and then just like scrapes it down the side of a table.

Oh shit, that's another frozen person. Don't

Frank: even remember that. No idea. No idea. Yeah. This one, you really felt the age, this watch through, I didn't put it together that it's 25 years old. Damn. Yeah, so

scott: it came out right before we. Like right as we were, we met in 97. I thought I'd seen it in the theater. I don't think I did though.

No, but I think I watched it so much cuz it scared the shit outta you and it was like, your go to this is gonna scare me. And, uh, I liked it. It

Frank: led to one of the most visual experiences of my life. . It did. No, I mean, it, it, yeah. I mean, it definitely came into play. IMDB had it at a 6.6.

scott: Uh, I [:

I think

Frank: over time it'll go down. That's, I mean, it's a pretty good start though, so it'll always be one in the middle if people are wondering. Yeah, never caught it. Somebody now who's. All right. What, 12, 13 now. And watched

scott: it weir's lines after he goes full fucking hellrazor.

Frank: are bad when he steps back in the shadows on the bridge, you know, like in the corridor actually.

scott: Yeah. He's being so overtly spooky. Ooh.

Frank: He's like, Fucking are you Mr. Burns . You creepy. Fuck. What are you doing? Um, I didn't remember it being so corny like that. I'm gonna. He's like, eh, . Um, but then in, like I said in the beginning, he's almost timid and they're brushing him off, but in the end he's like, Fuck you.

He goes full fucking,

es about it. And I was like, [:

Frank: Weird thing?

He, he went to the engineering side where, you know, the unit was

scott: the unit and uh, where, uh, Hell's Butthole was like,

Frank: uh, what's her name? Peters after she's tricked, after she's duped by her hallucination of her kid who's walking when he finds the body. I feel like he's already thrown in the towel, but he's all like,

scott: He's legit distraught about it.

He's like, Oh yeah. And I was like, Oh, you're not a bad guy. What happened? He's just being pulled. Yeah.

Frank: To the gravitational. It was. Yeah. Cuz at that point you think he's already .

scott: Tonight we discuss Hell's Butthole.

Frank: Is there a cream? Is that a hemorrhoid? Uh, no diagrams, ? No, it's where we're going.

scott: We don't need eyes.

e. Because remember they said:

Frank: I did. That's, that's, I was like, I'm not even gonna take notes.

t the fuck did they say about:

scott: Yeah, I had to go back and watch it today cuz I was like, I feel like I need to know me And Kelly missed the in between one. Mm-hmm. . And it was, uh, that mining on Mars started 2032. 32. So I'm hoping.

t's go. Well, so Los Angeles,:

Frank: 2040. On the even side is when the event Horizon launches. So is it gonna

scott: be Elon? So seven years past that thing, can you imagine

Frank: if Bezos built an event horizon? Imagine Bezo went to the dimon.

scott: He comes out, all covered and fucking he's got Jeffrey like cut into his.

Frank: Oh man. What if he was like, came out all, He's already bald. Yeah, I'll chopped out with the eyes. But then he had like the rig from, uh, Mad Max Fury Road, you know, with the flaming guitar

hat Jeffrey that he wore in [:

Frank: Man, if he was in a horror movie, I would find it believable.

scott: And Jeffrey Bezos look, that would go really well together.

Frank: Well, you know, you keep talking

scott: about Mouth of Madness. I would like to watch in the mouth of madness again and see we, we could almost do an event horizon versus in the mouth of madness. I feel

Frank: like Cause Well, what I was thinking about was, uh, there's similar cheese, Well, and I'm thinking in the mouth of madness came before dead calm.

Do you remember Dead Calm Nicole had been in Uhhuh. , Yeah. I feel like it was that, that then, And then it was Jurassic Park after dead com and then he does this. I

scott: think he's got

Frank: tastes. Yeah, cuz I mean, you go from dead com was 90, 91, something like that.

scott: Yeah. And then a hunt for the wilder people. As far as like most recent, Sam Neal, I really like.

Oh God. I loved that fucking movie. Ricky Baker .

Frank: Ricky Baker . I know the whole thing. I'm not gonna do

scott: it. That's cuz your daughter liked listening to that song. It's on a

Frank: fucking playlist, so [:

scott: Once rejected, Now accepted


Frank: that movie. It was great. We, you know, it kept popping. I had never

scott: watched it until the Pandemic and we watched it and I, I wanna say, might have been the best movie I watched The whole pandemic at home, had never seen it. You know, that was a great feel good movie. It was exactly what I needed right then.

Yeah. ,

Frank: you know, we went into it cuz that damn Ricky Baker song was what kept playing on the preview when you'd scroll past it. That kid was amazing. went on to be in

scott: Deadpool. That kid

Frank: was funny as hell though. Hey man, I mean, Deadpool's pretty

scott: damn good. But yeah, I, I didn't forget that he. Sacrificed

Frank: himself.

I forgot that he sacrificed himself. I know it seems like, I'm like, I knew this movie and I've said I forgot all. I know the plot. Just some of the finer, it's

imself get sucked to hell. I [:

Frank: thought he made it with Cooper and Julia.

scott: I vaguely remembered them. Waking up the end of this movie was fucking great. Do you think the door shutting the very last shot, the door closing was them going. I mean, they're still on the ship. Ship. They're

Frank: still on the ship. I think so it's just two different pieces. Because that door was such a representation of Hell's Butthole.

Of Hell's Butthole. Yes. And it had those industrial lights on it, same as the floor in the bay to the, And it just

scott: Air Airline. It winked at you?

Frank: Yeah, just a little. And you were like, Damn, do you wax that?

scott: Oh, that is one that is the same color as the rest yellow skin. Do you need a

Frank: flame retardant little strip to go on?

That fucking fiery

t season. . But that shit is [:

I'll give you 10 bucks if you memorize the whole dance. If I can do the dance .

Frank: Yeah. I don't know, man. That's some shit. You know, I, I fucked with interpretive dance, but it's been more than 15 years. How

scott: amazing would it be if you just busted that out at a party one day and everyone was like, What the fuck

Frank: if I went through the whole cycle?

scott: No, all the movement.

Frank: No, we loved that so much. And then I was just at a point when season two came out where I was like, I just can't do this right now. And I felt horrible because she

scott: waited on me to watch. I really liked season two. I can't tell you what it was, what happened at all. I don't think

Frank: Olympia ever watched it without me.

I think she still waited. I think she waited.

scott: I think you can watch it. Cause I have a lot of theories about the OA where uh, I think its cancellation might be part of the story and we're gonna get more. Five years down the road or something like that. They do weird social media stuff with it because it's so fucking weird metal.

I liked it so

The hoodie, The wolf hoodie. [:

scott: Club. Brit Marlins. She's good. Did you ever see another Earth? We've talked about it. Oh my god. Gut wrenching that movie. Ripped my fucking guts out,

Frank: man. I think that's one of the most well done movies

scott: I've ever seen.

It's one of the best written indie films of all time, for sure, dude.

Frank: And, and the fact that you come off of something like that into the oa, cuz we'd seen another


scott: first. The east was between that. Did you see the east where Yeah. The Ellen. With the, the Stars Guard, The taller one. .

Frank: Yeah. And Elliot

scott: Page was in that, uh, maybe, yeah.

I don't remember it well enough. Think that was the other good is another Earth was such a fucking just gut wrenching story the first time you watched another Earth. I think I've only watched it twice. Uh, I think I watched it a show it to somebody at

Frank: one point. Yeah, and it's, it will always be great to me, but it's kind of like smokings that first.

Is the best time ?

ow? That's how I felt when I [:

But I was like fucking blown away by that shit. Oh my God. God.

Frank: That first time. The first time, Cuz so fast.

scott: I can say enough good

Frank: things about that. Fucking we traveled from Event Horizon to the, I was trying,

scott: That's what I was trying to figure out how the fuck we got here. Oh, it's the

Frank: same way we started talking about video.

If you go through

scott: Thea to something,

Frank: you're gonna get lost. I talked about who the director was married to and we end up on video games. That's how that went at the beginning.

scott: Well, I mean, he directed Resident Evil, so that's how we got there. Plus Event Horizon, Dead Space, Calisto Protocol. That's coming out soon.

Europa report.

God damn you. Sorry. Don't hold it against

Frank: me. . It's got Tim Meadows in it. .

we're gonna watch Return to [:

Frank: It looked familiar.

I don't remember it, but, um,

scott: Forza Tiny Forza ba first movie. Her first movie and if it's the same cut as the last one I saw of it cuz I, I feel like maybe my late teens, I watched Return to Oz again and was still like, this still freaks me out, . Uh, so I really wanna watch it now and I want to see how you react.

I don't know if Kelly's ever seen it, but when I was a kid, I turned this fucking movie off and watched the rest of it later cuz I was

Frank: freaked out. It looked familiar to. It was definitely on the tv creepy kid at least once or twice at some point when I was a young child because just too much of what I saw in that trailer alone

scott: felt kind of was familiar.

Were you surprised that the trailer was a horror movie? Cause this is a Disney movie we're about to

you could tell just from the [:

scott: return to Oz is streaming on Disney plus Disney Plus.

I'm pretty sure it's gonna stay there. So this one's . Watch this one. Move around. This is a Disney movie. Watching the trailer, I was like, man. And then I had sent you a message about how I was like, we have to watch this cause Harlan fucking Ellison who wrote a boy and his dog. I have no mouth and I'm a scream.

Tons of episodes of Star Trek, and if

Frank: you're given the name Harlan, you're born

scott: for fucking great. Harlan Ellison is a fucking rockstar. God rest his soul.

Frank: Harlan. That is a hard name though. Harlan

scott: man. I just feel like you're tough. What a fucking badass. His review of this movie was, Bring your children.

. The October's gonna be fun.[:

Frank: Thanks everyone for joining us. For the last Video Store Clerks podcast, be sure to leave a rating and subscribe. You can find us on Twitter at Last Clerks Instagram at the last video store clerks, and you can find Scott at dispatchesfromthepit.com.

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About the Podcast

The Last Video Store Clerks
With Frank and Scott
The Last Video Store Clerks try to figure out what a good movie even is in the age of streaming. Are there still Cult Classics with no shelf to put them on? Something is missing. Former video store clerks Frank Roll and Scott Moran aim to find it. Or at least, comedy and a silver lining. What is a good movie anyway?

About your host

Profile picture for Scott Moran

Scott Moran

Former video store clerk, current sci-fi horror writer. Our copywriter, podcast editor, audio engineer, and resident bad good movie expert.