The Killing Of A Sacred Deer
The Killing of a Sacred Deer explained?
God, no. Why would anyone try to explain this? Some movies earn their madness.
This week, Scott and Frank take a deep dive into Yorgos Lanthimos's 2017 "Horror" movie. (Um, this was definitely a comedy.)
Drag yourself downstairs with you elbows.
Get your plate of spaghetti, and force feed your son a donut.
We're playing spin the shotgun, darling.
We also discuss:
- The irritating campaign to have M. Night Shyamalan's Split removed from Netflix.
- Smiley Face with Anna Farris
- The death of quoting movies in the age of streaming
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Written & Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos
- Colin Farrell
- Nicole Kidman
- Barry Koeghan
- Raffey Cassidy
- Sunny Suljic
- Alicia Silverstone
- Bill Camp
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) A24
the killing of a sacred deer
don't break it this time don't [ __ ] was that like my wife goes out of town and i like break the only pipe and i'm like no like that guy in the twilight zone who like he finds the library intact at the end of the world and then he breaks his glasses
ad it because it was sybil in:i think that's why everybody thinks that i know but it was about this lady named shirley manson who i think was probably the lead singer of garbage yeah yeah yeah but either way she this whole book sybil was about her and she just admitted years later that she was full of [ __ ] she was making the whole thing up and that's why people know it there was like a figure yeah there was a statistic jump in people reporting that they had this after that book and the movie came out yeah not to say that it doesn't exist yeah but also a lot of vivid imaginations out there yeah and the movie was literally about the fact that nobody believed that it existed and who is mad about this is it people with disassociative identity disorder or multiple personalities article that you sent me the person who i guess formed the petition they made it sound like they may have it or at least they're one of those huge backers of like we're going to support anyone with this disorder don't make fun of it don't make light of it this is a serious thing and i get it but at the same time it's a movie i i didn't get the attack the amount of frustration that ran through my body as i read it that's that kind of [ __ ] we just need to stop it's a movie it's for entertainment stop padding the [ __ ] walls everything is sharp yeah the whole entire world is [ __ ] sharp just it's it's fine to have a movie about that especially when there's so many other things that are about the same thing are you going to go after the united states of tara now because tony collette doesn't have it and you should have got a person with dissociative identities yeah i think the one of the first ones i texted you was primal fear yeah or given [ __ ] brian cranston [ __ ] for playing a guy in a wheelchair edward norton he was nominated for best actor in a supporting role over a primal fear for primal fear yeah i mean he was let's retract the
what's funny is when i search for other movies with that disorder so much random stuff the mask with jim carrey but they're like no that's not what i'm talking about there was seven souls with the julian moore oh yeah that was the one i texted you because i lived in the farmhouse the murders happened when i was a little kid it was the farmhouse we lived in in pennsylvania and i was like that's my house like
the the whole point is it's entertainment nobody was rubbing anybody's face in anything well that many like fiction like that comes from that idea like what if that happened it's mr mercedes by stephen king which is a tv show or it was a tv show that ran for three seasons that was because at the beginning of that a job fair gets run over by an angry man that he just drives through the crowd clouds do yeah and stephen king was like that's really [ __ ] scary so are we mad at stephen king for making light of of this tragedy that happened everybody needs inspiration things come from real stuff science fiction which let's not forget split is a [ __ ] superhero movie it is it's a superhero comic book movie yeah for sure mr glass is the big bad guy not was it kevin
no um i got lost in there there were too many personalities i liked patricia yeah patricia was the best one patricia yeah here we go on the m night shyamalan again yeah we are angry about you're so mad at my shyamalan yeah and take your anger out on m night and m night shyamalan film who yeah like go after a lady in the water or something that's so random you should be ashamed of yourself yeah come on the guy made it back he had some flops in there yeah make fun of the last airbender it's whatever like you know not every film is going to be a winner clearly yeah but that alien and signs that's [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me when he walks up to the door
i love signs the han the scene where the hand goes underneath the door yeah when it's trapped in in the in the in the house yeah it's still at the best a little bit even though it looks kind of bad for aka yeah he's in all of them he's in all of it he was an old too wasn't he he makes a camo in all of his movies yeah he drops him off on the beach yeah yeah he's the first creeper in the camera i believe oh yeah yeah crazy but no no uh yeah i mean to take it out on on poor m night the guy had a comeback he had a couple flops in a row you know box office wise box office wise flops and then you know split it was great yeah i liked split yeah i did too because it was back to the beginning again but i i think it's really weird to go after something like that if you if you're mad like go after johnny knoxville for doing the ringer or something
so many movies yeah i could think of so many more constructive things for you to get mad about in your time but also there's just there was that movie in the 80s what was the name of that movie where the guy wore blackface to go to go to to go to college i forget what they're doing i forget the name of that movie yeah that there was that where's the petition for i mean i'm just there's plenty of movies out there that were way more offensive yeah i feel like there was the time i knew where everything was pretend like something [ __ ] bosom buddies man [ __ ] would not stand man no and i mean there's a tasteful way to do things of course but you don't always need to be tasteful i'm gonna say that not in film you know sometimes people are just trying to express themselves they're trying to get a point across yeah and that's fine and you don't need to dig that deep into m night shyamalan and split yeah it seems like a weird thing to just get real mad about yeah let's pull it from netflix and that's what we're going to do about it is we're going to pull it from that who gets that idea something different somebody got an email sidenote james mcavoy made an appearance in uh the bubble that judd apatow movie that's got terrible reviews that i really like i haven't watched it but he has he has one of the best cameos in the whole movie it's a little long the or the movie is long for sure it could have been edited down but thinking it back about it i don't know what i would do is judd apatow a little home is he a little long no i haven't seen it
but yeah i'm not super upset about that the severance by the way was the greatest first season of a television show i've ever seen one day we'll have apple tv and i can catch up yeah you gotta watch that [ __ ] man tensest season finale of any show ever just the tension of the whole just cranking pressure the entire season finale really really impressed the [ __ ] out of me well since i don't have apple tv and i can't watch severance i mean it's a good thing i've been watching parks and recreation while i'm eating dinner at night oh yeah that's the same thing yeah
no i just didn't know ben stiller was gonna make something so good like so serious and so good did he do secret life of walter mitty maybe he just shouldn't be in the things that he's directing he should just make the things yeah but i'm all for him writing things with justin thoreaux that [ __ ] cracks me the [ __ ] up yeah and i mean it's just really hard somebody brought up to me they were like remember how he was in that charlie's angels movie and i was like no yes yes he was yeah he wrote a really good article for like gq or some [ __ ] about how like men shouldn't wear shorts and i was like i'm with you dude he was like look like little boys and i was like [ __ ] yeah you they do i think that's why i'm a little boy i've lived in texas for like what 25 [ __ ] years i hate wearing [ __ ] shorts look i'm wearing my dad cargo shorts right now what do you know about this capacity yeah things have slipped during the pandemic though i used to not wear sweatpants ever and that didn't become a thing i know i think that's where i'm at right now as i'm having to go out into the world more and i'm like oh i can't just wear like flannel pj bottoms in a old t-shirt it does kind of bother me that like uh seth meyers isn't wearing a suit anymore yeah he has gotten way more cash so this time we watched this time we watched the kill the killing of a sacred deer which i hadn't seen i if i had seen it i might not have picked it for this because i would i really [ __ ] enjoyed the [ __ ] out of this movie the level of uncomfortable sometimes i don't even know how uncomfortable i was which says more about me than anything else but i really like i i had written down what in my notes at the very beginning of the movie i was like i feel sort of detached watching surgery happen sort of dehumanizing and i feel nothing and maybe that sets the tone for the whole rest of the movie maybe that was his [ __ ] point i read a bunch of reviews about i won't really get into it but most of it was this movie is pretentious and i did not think that this movie was [ __ ] hilarious to me i laughed so hard just at different parts of this movie did you thought parts were funny though i thought parts were funny i just was gonna say scott laughs at the darkness yeah yeah and and i'm right there in most cases too yeah what you what some people might find just a little on the disturbing side it's like wow that's [ __ ] hilarious well that and it's like the m night shyamalan split thing like what are you getting mad about it's a [ __ ] movie you know like i've watched a lot of [ __ ] up movies and this dude directed dog tooth so i mean i've seen child abuse already it's fine it's not real it's a movie well and once you told me about dog tooth it went on my list dog tooth is greek so yeah it's subtitled but our friend josh he he told me to watch it when we were like in her early 20s and i was like this person is my friend he gets me because he was like yeah you'd like that man he [ __ ] nailed it i did like that not as much as i like this this was more fun this was good and i'd watched it i guess years ago when it first came out and i don't think i fully under i mean maybe i it didn't have my attention you know at the time i feel as if i didn't give it the attention it deserved but this time i really soaked it up and there was so much more that made sense to me remember how i said that i'd fallen asleep during it the first time i tried to watch it it wasn't because i was bored or anything like that but in my head when i started watching it this time i was like i'm gonna be real tired by the end of this movie because it's really slow but it's not it's almost like it feels slow as it unfolds but everything about it is like rapid fire the dialogue is like rapid fire back and forth all these statements all the fat is cut out of everything everyone says like there's no small talk that happens it is very to the point and even the kids in the movie yeah in a like shakespearean kind of way and i that's real pretentious in fact it's pretentious that i said it but at the same time i really i i i'm [ __ ] pretentious about some things man i like that [ __ ] this movie was fun to watch him make the movie and i don't normally talk about that kind of stuff i just want to like watch the movie and lose myself in it if i'm paying too much attention to how you're making the movie funning over it like a film major like i i will [ __ ] lose it that's why i didn't go to college for music because i don't want to see everything in scales every time i listen to a song i don't want to feel that way about a movie either this guy is like lars von trier only not annoying yeah and i mean even the way they would cut the score into some of the scenes it gave it that more retro vibe that older retro i'm not talking 90s retro people are calling 90s things red i'm talking like that 70s yeah and i what i've kind of been thinking about was it feels like uh this movie was one of those fresh was kind of one of those but like absurdism is coming back which i think is kind of that thing we keep looking for in like a weird find in a movie yeah it's the reason why i can't watch the majority of the things that are on cable tv it's just it's too cable it's too standard it's and this movie is not that nowhere near it it's a it's a movie i would have been like oh yeah you're gonna give that one an oscar go for it but i don't think you would this was a little heavy metal you know like it was [ __ ] it was it was a horror movie but it was not really a horror movie it wasn't an interface gory or supernatural yeah anything like that he couldn't even say it was like a thriller like i felt kind of keyed up intense the whole time i watched it but i didn't feel like i was gonna like it had enough like it would do that and then something [ __ ] ridiculous would happen and it would just shatter the whole thing we're gonna spoil this movie but i do think you should watch it so as much as uh this is like our like what fourth episode or something like that i uh turn it off and watch it if you're interested if you're not like i didn't i didn't ask kelly my wife if she wanted to watch this with me because i was like she's gonna think it's [ __ ] boring you know or slow or just too weird and i really wanted to get lost in the weirdness of it oh yeah no some of that [ __ ] was so wacky olympia was more than happy to watch it she was like you know i don't think i really paid attention the first time i don't think she finished it the first time we watched it years ago this time around she was like let's do this that yeah that's awesome but yeah i just don't think it was her speech i think she would have kind of thought it was uh just [ __ ] weird and and i would have felt judged but she looked over and was like why are you laughing well colin farrell throws a boy around a hospital hallway telling him to laugh or force feeds him a [ __ ] donut the force the donut force man yeah he was definitely trying to cram that thing in there so a quick summary of the movie we're gonna run top to bottom i'm gonna withhold a little we'll withhold a couple things from the end in case you do want to watch this and then we change your mind about this kind of movie i think that uh this was a movie that didn't really give a [ __ ] if you understood what was going on they didn't really want you to and you're never gonna get like solid resolution like why did all that stuff happen how did some of that stuff happen yeah exactly and there was no stuff behind it i know that the the killing of a sacred deer is a reference to a greek play i can't remember what it was but it was like uh agamemnon has to sacrifice his daughter so they could leave and go to the trojan war so they stuck with that sacrifice yeah yeah i want to say it was like artemis or something like that some greek god that they were going to sacrifice the daughter too i also when i was looking up things on imdb about this movie one of the things that i found was it's based on a painter but they were like these midwestern looking americana you know like sort of like reservation road just like you know the same sort of like in movies they always use and this is really pretentious but they always use a color palette it's like 60 color 30 color 10 color and that's what like every shot is because it's the most pleasing to you to see that that ratio of color on screen like that saturation level yeah and like you know someone will be wearing a red dress and then it'll be levels of brown like a lighter brown a little bit and then a real dark brown a little bit a little bit just a little bit and this movie had a lot of thought go into the filmmaking of it which i appreciated i wasn't staring at it the whole time i was noticing cool little things like there's deer everywhere in that movie like deer in the background
and just weird little misdirects but it was so awkward and then at the same time really [ __ ] funny really funny this was not a mainstream movie it was not meant to be a mainstream movie you know colin farrell before he but it kind of was though he won an oscar for the favorite the next year he directed the favor did you see that no it's it's good it's not my kind of thing it it you know royalty old english people in their [ __ ] giant dresses are not my [ __ ] thing yeah they're really not my wife's thing she won't watch anything that everyone's wearing period clothing was like i don't want to watch it was it the favorite yeah yeah yeah it was yeah i believe so it's like a yogurt shoppie yeah what's the shoppie i stole that light from disturbing behavior this [ __ ] i quote is out of control god dude get out of here cyclops yeah so the summary of this movie is colin farrell plays steven he's a surgeon and he starts spending time with the how did how did we say this guy's name barry cogan barry cogan barry kogan i got it yeah his character martin his father dies of a stroke well colin farrell is operating on him and for some reason he's following him around you don't really know that at the beginning of the movie and you're just like what the [ __ ] are these these two doing together so i completely forgot where it was going and when that first started their relationship right off the bat i was like this is a father and his illegitimate son see that's what i thought was happening that was this entire vibe that i got until a certain thing happens in the plot so basically the the quick rundown of it is steven brings martin home to meet his wife anna who's played by nicole kidman the daughter kim who's played by rafi cassidy rafee i think that's how you say her name and his son bob played by sunny suljic i want to say sounds uh no and i it sounds right soljic yeah and he's been in a couple things he'll be good yeah barry cogan one of the you know he was in dunkirk american animals [ __ ] good in this perfect he's in that primal fear kind of way actually and he has a very childish and the distinct look that he has just his look is very unique definitely something i haven't seen you know and i can't name anybody else who looks anything like the guy no he's an interesting looking cat yeah he had like a thing where he was he gave off an energy that he was not childlike but his voice the entire thing was he nailed that [ __ ] man i was spooked as soon as you opened yourself up to like there's an innocence there yeah i would say that there was no innocence there there was no innocence in that character and there was like the saw music and the weird organ through the whole [ __ ] movie like that didn't help with the oh i get i'm supposed to feel disturbed because he would come on screen and this [ __ ] saw start [ __ ] playing i should put a saw in right here
no the music like you're saying where the those the score would cut in just the feeling that you got from the way that they set that up so he invites him to dinner and then the night's real awkward his daughter is real into his creepy ass like i think it was made even creepier by the fact that i was like this guy has to be actually in his 20s actor-wise but always i looked at the girl love on inbb uh and i was like oh 10 years younger yeah legit 14 year old at the time of filming the time of filming yeah wow yeah uh i dig it it added to the creepiness there's never any sort of like actual sexual stuff she strips down and like lays on the bed in front of him at some point yeah but there's a lot of that in this movie we'll talk about that yeah i can't wait till we get to that that's one of the things that's brilliant after dinner he says he wants to return the favor and invites him back to his house where his mother is played by none other than the babysitter and the crushes alicia silverstone those are the only things i know her from and uh she makes a sexual advance on him by sucking on his finger and then offering him a caramel tart which i think was sexual oh no it most definitely was it was um her exact quote i won't let you leave until you've tried my tart i think she yells that adam doesn't i won't let you leave until you've tried my tart but yeah i mean i hadn't seen alicia silverstone in a minute and then all of a sudden here she is sucking fingers off her and tart yeah it was a little part but it was good but she was perfect for it i feel that's who i wanted to see in that role and if you looked in the credits she didn't have a name she's credited as martin's mother yeah that makes sense i can dig it i dug a lot of the like why why the [ __ ] would i tell you that like i don't need to fill you in on every little detail they just let you feel a little lost you got what's going on nothing else was really all that important random [ __ ] popped into my head i think at some point i looked up and i was like do doctors really have giant black tie events where they talk about medicine and i looked at this was supposed to take place in ohio and i was like i know is that a real life thing or is that you know as soon as you said that i was thinking well you know the fugitive if it is for harrison ford you know true it was a one-armed man you know for the longest time because my first experience with a one-armed man on tv was [ __ ] twin peaks because there's like a one-armed man you know and i thought that's what people were talking about the whole time and i'd even seen the fugitive i think but that just wasn't the thing that stuck with me it was a one-arm man yeah i guess that predates us to the fugitive television show right the fugitive television show fugitive was a television show in the 70s i want to say or like real early 80s but yeah the the movie is with harrison ford is a remake no i can tell you that they should have never made u.s marshals robert downey jr wesley snipes it wasn't horrible i mean if i was the 65 year old man retired sitting on a lazy boy i'll watch us marshalls yeah but don't go watch no country for old men
nobody can pull off that haircut my stuffy father loves that movie i that was one of the few times that like i watched the movie and i was like i'm going to read that book and really enjoyed the book as much as i enjoyed the movie it's blow for yeah brolin's [ __ ] awesome brolin's in a sci-fi series no way yeah like a cowboy uh like alien sort of thing like better than cowboys no it's like i want to say i don't know a whole lot about this so i'm kind of talking out of my ass but i think it's like a he's a rancher and stuff starts happening is he a space rancher yeah yeah it's like a white version of the uh jordan peel movie that's coming out nope nope i [ __ ] can't wait i'm yeah uh yeah i will see that as fast as possible yeah i'm as excited about i'm more excited about jordan peele than i was early m night shyamalan when he would make a movie and you were like how is he going to surprise me now you know i really am they've yeah i'm excited us oh that's so good if you hate m night shyamalan you weren't around at the time that he was surprising the [ __ ] out of us left and right then yeah i went really excited in movie theaters that's the same as like no there's nothing compared to the blair witch hype when it came out where nobody knew if it was real or not it scared the [ __ ] out of me i think i was still in eighth grade middle school i think that was when blair witch project came out yeah no we were in high school cause i saw that with russ was that the 99 at the dobby theater in austin yeah oh i for i we haven't finished the summer yet i was i was going to put this behind us but yeah basically steven rejects her advances and leaves martin afterwards becomes he was seemingly he wanted him to [ __ ] his mom right he he wanted it oh yeah yeah like he was like at one point when when martin's mom is trying to uh seal the deal she's like oh he's asleep don't worry about it and i feel like she almost knew he would be upstairs listening to make sure that the relationship was consummated yeah and they never really got into what the [ __ ] that was all about which was fine i i liked it left unsaid this is the only time you see alicia silverstone the whole movie is there a chance that if stephen got with martin's mom the sacrifice wouldn't be necessary yeah i mean would that supersede the sacrifice this was one of those movies where you're like this could have all been in their heads but it got so absurd i don't think it was it was i loved it i loved it i didn't have that thought until just now when we were saying it out loud together i couldn't help but to think well if stephen would have just dropped his family for martin's mom would martin have let it go i don't know what that was all about he had some sort of goal he did yeah he at some point he goes to his house and he goes open this door i'll [ __ ] your mother just the way you wanted and well and did he not say your mother and you i feel like he said your mother and you i don't know it hit me so quick that i was like oh my god i just like some of the lines in this movie if i was this guy and i was writing these i would have sat in a room and laughed for like 10 minutes after i wrote each of these [ __ ] pieces of dialogue how about the awkward story though did you get done with the stuff yeah so i i didn't get done with the summary let me just finish it basically both both of his [ __ ] kids one at a time they become paralyzed and then stop eating and they take them to the hospital they can't figure out what's happening and so martin shows up and tells stephen that his family will die one by one this way and their eyes will bleed and but he has to decide which one of them dies because he killed one of his family members he should get to kill one of theirs i think even at some point he's like what do we do about it we shake a like bag of corn in the air and like dance around like he even like says like we don't know what the [ __ ] is going on and i really like that i liked it the doctors can't find anything and they end up taking the kids home he's at a loss so he [ __ ] kidnaps martin beats the [ __ ] out of him and hold him hostage down in the basement taped to a chair it seems like the rest of the family gives up at that point and they and nicole kidman lets him go anna she's like what does it [ __ ] matter anyway she weirdly kisses his feet at that point too there was the feet kissing and then came in the mother kisses uh martin's feet while he's tied up and bloody in the basement oh and that's when she brought the kids down to visit yeah and that was after she had gone to investigate the origins of this weird relationship she goes and talks to the his anesthesiologist who they both blame each other for the the death of this guy yeah earlier in the movie stephen was like it's never the surgeon's fault it's always the innocence yeah and then later the anesthesiologist just says the exact the opposite it's always the surgery there was there was a lot of like opposite things in this movie that were there just to make you feel like in the beginning of the movie when they're having dinner he's like focused in on the daughter like slouching and eating and then the mom's like stop slouching and it cuts over and she's like telling the sun to sit up that was just weird it was just a weird thing to do and the reference to bob not cutting his hair oh yeah yeah steven asked him why haven't you cut your hair yet and you know he kind of gives like a short response but then anna the mom i i like it long which brings us to another quote that i wrote down where he says this is after so basically he has to make that decision at the end well look we've finished the summary
yeah he has to make the decision and he does yeah i won't tell you what the decision is or how it ends up unfolding because mostly what i want to talk about is the rest of the [ __ ] movie the the end was grim definitely bothered me a little bit but then after the decision is made there's a confirmation but i feel like he earned that dark ending at the end of all that i was like you took me on a weird [ __ ] journey man like i have been trying to figure out what's going on given up several times and been fine with it if you can confuse the [ __ ] out of me and make me be like i'm so confused like i'm really [ __ ] into it where do we start let's just bounce around i feel like that's the best thing if you've watched the movie that's great if you want to listen to us talk about a movie that's [ __ ] madness organized in a great way because like i said this movie was slow but the dialogue was rapid fire through the whole thing and the things that happened are quick there's never any like downtime of like when we talked about the special and i was like why does it go to the [ __ ] hardware store like nothing in this two hour movie made me feel like you're wasting my [ __ ] time pretentious [ __ ] or like anything that anyone talked about about it i stayed focused on it because i didn't want to miss anything the the uncomfortable feeling that you would get over and over again whether it was the way a conversation stopped the the scene transition let's i want to jump to steven and anna's bang session the way in which the love making is initiated oh you just really want to talk about this it's the it's the weirdest [ __ ] because she like lays down on the bed or she goes general anesthetic almost lifeless it looked lifeless like like that position because she gets in that position again later to try to entice him when they're in the middle of all this like yeah later in the movie when shit's hitting the fan the relationship is on the rocks they don't know what to do they don't know who to kill she she's i guess she figures hey let's lighten the mood she offers herself and he responds by simply turning off the lamp next to the bed yeah maybe he should have [ __ ] that mother just the way you wanted he did have nice hands he did have nice hands all surgeons have nice hands these are lines from the movie
before he was like whipping his son around the hallway being like walk walk yeah at a point in the movie bob's gone paralyzed he tells him a story about how he jerked his dad off while he was asleep he was curious so he wanders into the room and gives his dad a handy and then sneaks back out yeah but this is while he's trying to really this is he did convey that like he was like yeah i did that and then just barely anything would come out and then i did it to my dad while he was sleeping and like a lot came out and he gets real freaked out and i got that like i was like oh that's some weird child and this was a story he's telling his son to try and get him to snap out of whatever he's in yeah weren't they playing a game like you tell me a secret and i'll tell you he tried to initiate that as a way to get the sun to open up and perhaps make an effort to walk oh yeah yeah yeah because he's trying to have a heart to heart is what it was and bob wasn't having it you know dad shared a story that was a little out there dad expected a response and bob did not bite bob didn't bite that story wasn't good enough for bob but when before like later [ __ ] nicole kidman you're like oh she's the same mom and then when she goes to investigate it she like jerks off the anesthesiologist to get information about the incident which killed martin's father yeah but she gave him the handy afterwards it wasn't like she like jerked him off and he was like laying there and she was like well they talked about it and she and he was like well what do i get in return and she tells him what you didn't get oh i missed that i thought that hand job just came out of nowhere no they were not no spontaneous handy they had a conversation at the diner uh nicole kim was trying to dig for information on on the incident and and he just asked you know what's in it for me cutscene they they're all of a sudden under a bridge it's going down and he's giving it up he's giving her all the info and this is this is super bouncing around but just the [ __ ] bonkers lines in this and you mentioned that he like said something about the son's hair in the beginning of it yeah i missed that part but later when he's flinging the kid around the hospital hallway trying to get him to walk he's like i'll make you eat your hair he's like i'll literally cut your hair and make you eat it i forgot about that he did what the [ __ ] yeah olympia looked at me at that point and was like what what
now one of my favorite one of my favorite poses i don't know what's wrong with me i've lost two mp3 players in the last 10 days i i felt her on that man yeah like i was like i felt like that before that was the daughter kim she was having you know a moment she was already in a wheelchair by then yeah she was in the wheelchair smoking cigarettes blowing smoke out the door to the room yeah when it gets really like kafka [ __ ] absurd is when they go home and the kids are just dragging themselves around the house by their hands like on their bellies like down the stairs and [ __ ] yeah and they live in like this big [ __ ] ice storm house you know real wood floors yeah real wood floors i noticed that that would look nice you were really serious i saw like you were like i really want those floors i couldn't help but notice the floors and the one the living spaces i was like damn that's real wood when nicole kidman goes to see martin and he's telling that story about like everybody said that my father ate spaghetti exactly the way i eat spaghetti and then i found out that everyone eats spaghetti that way but no one eats spaghetti that way not the way that he would do that he would spin it around he was during the spiral but then it was like a circular motion and then he would shake it and then put it in his mouth like he was shaking it off but like a mouthful yeah like wait till at the time that kid had [ __ ] on his face the entire movie ice cream [ __ ] whatever he was eating at the diner i'm saving my fries for afterwards
at the younger kids you smoked cigarettes yeah i tried my first one eight months ago no you're addicted now i'm addicted oh i got chills because i was like that's some [ __ ] that kids used to say back in like early middle school and [ __ ] i just smoked a cigarette the other day and now i'm addicted but it was it was lines like that that made you think oh maybe there is some innocence in there maybe he's just tainted yeah he did a really good job of balancing out the like what the [ __ ] with holy shits and he had an agenda he knew what he was doing and he really stuck to it he accomplished it he did fully you know even just the little details that were in the background of things really were maybe like what the [ __ ] there's another deer there's deer in every shot when colin farrell stephen the dad's beating the [ __ ] out of him in the basement while he's being held hostage towards the end of the film he still sticks to it he's still digging while he's getting hit what you know he spits out a tooth i heard the sound effects they wanted us to know he got hit hard enough to spit that tooth out and there were just like little things the diner they go to was a the blue jay diner like american folklore there's lots of uh blue jays being harbingers of the devil or whatever which i mean they are they're pieces of [ __ ] blue jays are best they're the worst they're worse they used to attack my dog yeah they dump [ __ ] other birds out of their nests like baby birds on the ground break their eggs i see them attacking other birds all the time pieces of [ __ ] [ __ ] those things blue jays yeah why would you name your diner that
also when that kid goes over to dinner he's like how much armhead hair do you have my dad has lots of armpit hair but by the end of this movie that kid had been like examined by so many doctors he's covered with the thickest layer of peach fuzz i have ever seen on a child in my entire life and i was like you're hairier than everyone else in this [ __ ] movie are you talking about bob bob bob was he had leg hair blonde leg hair blonde back hair like bob you fuzzy little bastard i didn't notice yeah he's gonna be a robin williams when he grows up i mean i guess that's i guess that's how i miss the the alien penis and shadow in the clouds lincoln you miss it man i can't believe i missed
that and then after that when nicole kidman goes home from the spaghetti eating scene and she colin farrell's like eating he's like you're right this is really good meat could you make mashed potatoes i was thinking could you make mashed potatoes one of these days and she just flips out about it with all the [ __ ] going on because she's like you're this incompetent man who just says things like let's go to the lake house yeah do an ultrasound i would i think i think i would like some mashed potatoes like yeah you're right that's the kind of [ __ ] he's saying and this is not the [ __ ] time for that which is when he reveals that he has the kid in the basement and at the beginning you get to feel that he's you know because he's a wealthy guy who's a surgeon he's got his [ __ ] together somewhat as he starts to break through the film you can see that he he lies you know he is but like you were saying in the beginning of it i thought it was like colin farrell's trying to cover something up which i think he meant to make you do that but he was offsetting it with every time the kid would come on screen there would be the alfred hitchcock saw music that would start happening and i was like i'm really confused and until he goes over and alicia silverstone's like you have very nice hands like i was like oh this has never happened before it's definitely not his son because he gets the [ __ ] up and gets out of there he doesn't want that caramel tart yeah and that's one thing you know he he wasn't gonna cheat on his wife it wasn't even a thought as soon as she started sucking on those fingers he was he bolted yeah i mean how is he gonna find another girl who's gonna lay there like a [ __ ] general anesthesia yeah somebody in the family is gonna be a sacrifice but she was definitely an offering i loved it i really did though things kept popping back up in my head about this movie because this is one of those movies is going to live in my head for a long time like i'm gonna not as many things these days when i was at the video store i know i re-watch things over and over again not as much stuff nowadays sticks with me like quotes from the big lebowski did and i know that some of that has to do with being younger and remembering things differently as time goes by and things that like really ruin you but i don't know that i know anyone that quotes movies that have come out recently not so much quotable [ __ ] isn't happening comedies are not what they used to be no i mean there was a lot in you know tropic thunder yeah or somebody from tropic thunder you know i liked quoting the goods oh the goods was all right the goods i like that i got a soft spot for jeremy piven i really don't want to say too much about too much more about the movie i think we're good because it was a good movie yeah it was a good movie it's it's dark i really i think you it's unsettling yeah i'm not even gonna ask is this a good movie or a bad movie on this one that's sort of come up in every episode i'm gonna say it was a well-done movie but man this was good i really liked it and if you think it's pretentious i know it's pretentious to say but you don't [ __ ] get it bro sometimes it's not too it's okay not to understand everything about the movie this is i i know i'm the guy who likes that ending that is like [ __ ] you guys you know i like that [ __ ] and i know you're not necessarily that guy i need a happy ending from time to time but man if you really carry i don't give a [ __ ] if you don't understand what's going on the whole movie i'm down i'm not going to argue with you about tennant anyone anyone i'm not going to argue with anyone about tennis i [ __ ] love tenant i was confused the whole movie i've watched the movie like seven times i'm still a little confused but i like it a lot the and that was the same with this one i knew exactly what happened i just didn't know the mechanism behind it you know but at the end of the witch i wasn't like how did she fly they're hereditary yeah yeah why is she crawling on the ceiling did you ever wha how many like lars von trigger movies have you watched do you know who he is by me saying that no i can you think he directed uh antichrist as my least favorite with willem dafoe where his baby falls off he eric clapton's right off the [ __ ] roof and then i saw that once there's like full willem dafoe's defoe going into who i think is lars von trier's wife or something like that i don't know that's that you know i think i saw or at least close to him there was a female castration scene in that movie [ __ ] you lars von trier i don't want to see that [ __ ] i get it tell a good story i'm sure there are people who are like that movie is remarkable and feel the same about that movie as i feel about killing of a sacred deer but you know what i didn't [ __ ] laugh a bunch of times during antichrist i was just sad and maybe that's effective and great but that's not what i'm looking for well and just for reference i did like killing of a sacred deer i did like hereditary i did not feel mother with jennifer lawrence you know mother was uh it was cat in the hat with black metal and i just you just want these people out of your house yeah that uh there was one kirsten dunst melancholia i don't know if you ever saw that one that's the lars von trier i'm pretty sure was it yeah man i [ __ ] don't like that that's [ __ ] boring dude you know the visuals in that one were a little stronger that was way more visual i don't want to watch a an hour-long painting man i don't want to watch brown bunny what is that tree of life real life yeah darren aronofsky's getting on that side of things too did you ever watch the new suspiria yeah i loved it yeah i really liked the new scene man it had that crank up ending you know is that really gory lots of spray blood that's not even more funny though oh and another one that's kind of on that level that you told me to watch um what is it it's the village it's like a sweden norway situation the girl goes there looking like for her sister or her sister was just lost or something oh mid some mid-summer mid-summer mid-summer was the guy who directed hereditary was that the guy who dressed yeah that's where her sister kills her parents and commits suicide that was it yeah but the ending on that one yeah i like this kind of weird it kind of gives me the same like uh not all of his movies but uh was it greg erica or greg iraqi or uh he did doom generation and nothing and uh smiley face with anna ferris is so good were you planning on bringing that up no but it popped into my head and i i always forget that he's the one who did that did you ever see that movie scott tells me you have to watch this movie smiley face olympia sat down and watched it with me one of my favorite like weed comedies of all time i think because it's it felt really real like she gets in the car after she eats all that weed and she like didn't she eat mushrooms too eats like the medical weed from like she makes some sort of thing she ends up like eating all super big it's it's a super stoner movie it was crazy but that scene where she's like tries to drive and she like gets out of the car and rolls across the like driveway and she goes oh that was close i was watching that being like i felt like that before where i like smoked when i was younger and then like tried it was like i can drive and then i got in the car and i was like no no oh yeah no start backing up and you're like that's scary yeah or like when you back up and gun it and hit the car across the street in my mom's work van all those states are right for making laws about driving on weed because i like a lot of the time i could i could have smoked some weed i can competently drive you to the hospital and stuff like that that's fine i'm gonna sober up in that moment but there there have been times where i was younger and i smoked and i was like i'm gonna go buy a honey bun at the convenience store and i [ __ ] got in the car and was like nope can't you're not going anywhere you can't leave that honey bun just wasn't worth it yeah which may go all the way back to uh backing your mom's van up and me driving into a car yeah i i had my license at a young age i just needed my mom's work van out from behind my car in the driveway scott didn't have a license yet we've been friends since we were 13 years old when we were in high school frank may have been more grown up than me in a lot of ways and he was very impatient with me a lot of the time and he didn't wait for it like i was like i've never driven a car before and you were like all you have to do is back it up and then like i was like oh my god okay and like i [ __ ] backed his mom's brand new work van into the neighbor's car like so fast it was a hobart food service van yeah i think what happened was you were backing up a car was coming you had a like a panic moment yeah oh do i never move i had never driven a vehicle in my entire life i'm sitting in my car looking in the side mirror watching this unfold the hobart man just like slams into reverse like you hit the throttle dude you hit that gas pedal then boom what did you hit one or two cars across the street was it just one just the one yeah but she was mad she was very upset she was older than us she she had gone to this she's been watching us get [ __ ] up in your garage for [ __ ] months well and she yeah she didn't like us i mean but one of those things already like the neighbor with the most cars is always the one who seems to be the most angry at everyone like why do you have so many cars i can't see the back out of my driveway they did have a lot because they had a son in the 20s in his 20s car uh older daughter in high school car husband and wife each had one and the husband had a work truck there was five cars at that house this was in crestview yeah those streets aren't huge we were really annoying though oh i did so much we'd burn stuff in the back you heard a band called bloated goat that was the worst i couldn't play drums i could not i tried you had that guy coming to record you and he was like what the [ __ ] is happening yeah it was but really it was just it was a social thing we got together yeah it was fun it was a reason to like have a party while we were playing music yeah well we were also 13 or something 13 14. you know we did have that one song here i live yeah you did it was very good we had one song you could have sold that thing to typo negative somebody i don't wanna be yeah but killing of a sacred deer is [ __ ] great i i am for it this was one of those movies i i don't know why i missed it but if i had come across it in the video store i'd been like holy [ __ ] and then been telling people about it and they would be like yeah i [ __ ] seen it it's really weird you're a weird guy but and and my wife definitely wouldn't like this movie but uh my mom will really like this movie i immediately texted her and i was like you [ __ ] see this movie dude well you said she liked the lighthouse right oh yeah she loved the lighthouse that one you know different that's the director of the witch hmm who did um it comes at night was that anybody cause i'm gonna say i was disappointed in that movie uh i felt a little let down i enjoyed it though did you yeah it was all right it was kind of what i was looking for at the time the cover really did it justice as far as like i was like i know what kind of movie that is see maybe it was the trailer that misled me uh see i i never watch a movie trailer past the midpoint if i feel like i'm going to like it i really don't either because i'm like stop stop stop me with like 30 seconds of a trailer i will stop watching it and then go watch that movie you have to cut yourself off because i'm the type of person where when i watch it i'll hang on to those clips yeah then at the same time you get those trailers where it tells you the entire story and you're like i'm not gonna watch that movie exactly or how many trailers use a scene from the final sequence oh all of them so many yeah so many in the trailer you've got or multiple scenes of the final sequence yeah i kind of appreciate when people do fun [ __ ] with their trailers though say what you will about cloverfield but i liked the marketing behind cloverfield it was really good i remember uh this guy i worked with way back in the day we were so pumped every time a little snippet of that [ __ ] was coming out you know that was jj abrams right yeah yeah i don't think he directed it but he produced he did produce it yeah bad robot yeah and great [ __ ] cast in that oh yeah are you aware of garfield oh we haven't picked a movie for next time hmm we haven't picked a movie for next time yeah i feel like it's my turn but uh yeah i know you pick one because i feel like i i swear to oh i knew too much about congo for you to feel comfortable we might still do congo is look it up is congo streaming anywhere amy love okay because it was on hbo but frank lied to me about this but he was like it's on amazon prime and it was on show time on his amazon prime no showtime through hulu okay it was like and i didn't know it was it had just been on netflix that's what i was thinking because it was on netflix forever it's fine it's fine i'm so sorry and i didn't mean to send you you know if you did me a favor i'm gonna watch yellow jackets now oh because that was the problem like [ __ ] comes out that i really want to watch and i can't [ __ ] watch it because i don't have that streaming service yellow jacket which is so awesome that's right you know you need to what that should be your sideshow oh no it no me and kelly are going to watch it in two sittings yeah it's not that many episodes um i'm not saying anything else watch yellow jackets yellow jackets on showtime that was great that was some of the most fun i had in a while station eleven was another good one recently playstation 11 was so good station 11 is that's what i and station 11 limited series i think we talked about station 11 in the uh the missing episode the missing episode we mentioned it yeah i think we talked about it i had seen it on hbo max and i asked scott and scott said watch station 11. and that was one of the best things yellowjackets is very entertaining i love yellowjackets there's a good nostalgia feel because of the time it takes place station 11 felt very original for like i think it was kind of ballsy to make a pandemic show right now you know but i like the stand it was kind of that's how it starts but that's not what it's about i did watch dmz on hbo max oh i read that comic book a long long time ago i'm good it's like four episodes is it is is it good it's fine it's fine it's mario dawson rosario dawson benjamin bratt i'm down um it was fine i'm it's not deep i had the predictable thing again i was i you see where it's going it's kind of fun no [ __ ] it i couldn't make sense of the storyline itself though i think was my biggest thing oh really how did how is manhattan the only dmz the comic book seems too big to just jam into four episodes so i don't know i may have missed something but from what i understood manhattan was the only dmz in the in a torn country and i'm like that's the whole point of a dmz is like i i feel like it's a larger if it happened in the u.s it would be a larger area than manhattan these comic book properties man it bumps me out when they don't finish them because why the last man was really good i really liked the take on it like i never start i didn't have a chance to start it but you were telling me it was great for one season oh yeah that's done they didn't get to do even crack the story you know like they really got in there they cast it really well it was [ __ ] fantastic york i'm thank god they didn't make a movie out of that with shia labeouf like they were going to do back transformers era shyla buff oh really yeah they were gonna david goyer was gonna make a movie uh why the last man movie and i was like please don't do that please do not turn my favorite comic book into [ __ ] just a pile of [ __ ] and i love david goyer dave mcguire did a really good job i like this new superman i like a darker superman i didn't want the reeves again i mean super wholesome but man of steel was really good you make kevin costner anyone's dad and you're gonna [ __ ] have my heart man kevin costner was the original like father-son hit me right in the heart don't get me started on kevin costner again cut your hot out with a spoon that movie will always have a special place in my heart well everybody until next time
that's how we're going to end it we're going to do congo we're going to do congo next week and are we going to do congo yeah let's [ __ ] do congo uh i i'm almost done with ash versus evil dead so like you know i'm in a bruce campbell mood take your hands off my sesame kick is that ernie hudson you've seen this movie too
thanks everyone for joining us for the last video store clerks podcast The killing of a sacred deer be sure to leave a rating and subscribe you can find us on twitter lastclerics instagram at thelastvideostoreclerics and you can find scott at